I don’t like the parallels.

Don’t fucking like them at all.

Not when I’ve seen the same strange man watchingme, and knowing he also matches the description of the guy who tried to grab Ophelia.

“Uh-oh,” Henri says. “Capitan’s got that thinkin’ look on his face.”

“Just drawing a few comparisons. The incident at the Sanderson house—there was a man who fits the description of someone I’ve seen around town. He’s not a local, not that I know of. Which means he’s either a tourist, someone from the big house, or—”

“One of the Jacobins,” Lucas interrupts, his voice dark.

The hard set of his jaw tells me his mind’s falling into the same ugly place as mine.

“Yeah. Only, the Jacobins don’t normally wander around in slacks and tailcoats,” I say.

“So, staff up at the Arrendell mansion?” Henri asks. “Where we just had a suicide?”

“Yep.” I sigh. “Funny how any time there’s a death around that damn family, weird shit starts popping off.”

“I sure as hell don’t think it’s funny,” Lucas growls. “Considering they almost killed my wife.”

“He,” I correct wearily, even if I don’t want to. “As far as we know, none of the other Arrendells had anything to do with the Ulysses situation. Same goes for the Jacobins and their bad seed.”

“Fuck, man, and I’m a six-foot green goddamn chicken,” Lucas mutters, but he lets it go.

“That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep an eye on them,” I say. “Ophelia said that man kept telling hershe’s next. That if she goes near them—one good guess who he means—she’ll die.”

The entire room goes dead quiet.

Every last one of my officers looks at me with the same grave understanding.

It’s Micah who finally breaks the silence, his pale eyes flinty.

“Sounds like we might be looking at a suicide that wasn’t a suicide at all,” he says. “Do we need to reopen the Cora Lafayette case?”

“Quietly,” I snarl. “Let’s keep our eyes open, but sweep things under the radar for now. Put your ears out. Listen around town. Ask questions whenever the opportunity comes. Take note of any strange comings and goings up at the mansion, off record, and you guys let me know ASAP if anything stinks.”

The men nod with a sense of heavy duty sinking in.

“The flood of movie stars and CEOs has slowed down since the last round of trouble, at least,” Lucas points out. “Xavier prefers to do his business elsewhere, and I hear Aleksander’s got himself a hometown girl.”

“Yeah. About that.” I grind my teeth. “If y’all see them around—just fucking watch them, okay? I’m real worried Rosalind Sanderson’s in over her head. Might be in trouble.”

“Rosalind? Abusive relationship?” Micah asks.

“Probable substance abuse,” I reply. “Look, I don’t wanna have to arrest her and give her a drug test, but if she looks like she’s in trouble, don’t hesitate to intervene. I’d rather have to apologize than end up being too late.”

Lucas salutes crisply.

“You got it, Chief.” Then he frowns. “By the way, how’s Ophelia settling back in?”

“She’s staying with me for now,” I say, ignoring the slow grins turning my way. “Whatever. Mind your own damn business and get to work. Dismissed.”



Idon’t know if I can handle a fight right now.