Page 57 of One True Love

“Thank you.”

He smiles, and then, walks out of the door.

Chapter Fourteen

Today is a day for black patent stilettos, cropped black trousers that hug my bum, and a cream silk blouse with only a thin lace bra beneath, meaning my small breasts are proudly displayed for exactly what they are. Small, but perky, and still feminine. Lots of men like them and I like them, too. I like my body in ways now that I didn’t before. Not just because I’ve had two men now who’ve told me they loved it, but because, this body keeps going even when my heart and soul feel just about ready to keel over. This vessel keeps holding me up and I should thank her more, I’ve realised.

There’s much hubbub in the office when I arrive at 9.15am. I figured being a bit late today wouldn’t matter, not especially…

It appears my lateness is the last thing on people’s minds.

Everyone has crowded together, even the men too, and are discussing the loud shouting match going on upstairs.

Daisie spots me and sidles up. “He must’ve got here early today because the rest of us are rushing to catch up. All we know so far is she arrived to find he’d packed all his things in the office and printed out his resignation. He’s giving her no notice and is taking half the clients with him!”

I cover my face with my hands. “Jesus, what?”

“He’s already emailed a few people down here to see if they will come work for him. Some of the designers and writers are already packing their things, too.” I look around and see she’s right, and what’s more, those people have smiles on their faces. “A lot of people here have never liked Chrissy and it’s always been obvious it’s Miles who knows about PR. She doesn’t. All she knows is how to drain other people for money.”

I giggle at Daisie who doesn’t seem to care about job security anymore. Nor do the others. There are only a couple of people not gossiping with their colleagues, and they’ve always been the sort not to socialise anyway.

Everybody stops talking when her office door upstairs opens and then slams shut. We watch him walk to his office, collect his boxes and bags and storm towards the lift. Nobody knows what to do when he comes into the office proper and stares around, seeking my eyes. When he sees me, that seems to give him relief and some measure of confidence.

“If you all know what’s good for you, then you’ll get the fuck out of this place as fast as possible. I’ve left my contact details with a few of you, and if anybody needs a reference in the event she refuses or this place goes tits up and you’d rather not be associated, then please don’t even think twice. It’ll be done.”

Some people look at one another, happy about that.

He continues, “I’m not proud of myself regarding some of the things I’ve done while working for Chrissy. I don’t have any excuse. I can only explain why I’m leaving today. It’s because Chrissy’s always known about my weaknesses and has exploited them for her own sick games.”

A couple of ladies run crying for the loos while the rest of us look shocked. Even I am shocked, even though I’m apprised already. He’s being so honest about why he’s getting out of here and I don’t blame him, but it’s a big fucking deal and everyone knows it.

“I’m sorry it’s come to this, because it was a long time coming, and it took someone much stronger and better than me to recognise I can’t go on like this anymore. So I wish you all well, and goodbye.”

A pang hits me in the stomach as he turns and walks away, the stunned silence he’s created really quite sad. I’m sorely tempted to go after him, especially since he couldn’t meet my eye for that last bit of spiel he just gave. I know he’s not all right and probably won’t be for a while. There will be a lot to work on, both personally and professionally.

The eerie silence continues as everyone files to their desks, those few people who are unequivocally following him hot on his heels, leaving desks empty and no doubt, tasks unfulfilled.

My heart’s racing so much, I don’t think I can stomach a coffee, so I sit down and power up my machine, waiting for my emails to load.

I’ve got one sent a minute ago from Chrissy:

My office. Now.

I take a deep breath and shake my neck from side to side. I haven’t had to implement any moves in this job yet, but this could be the day.

Upstairs, her office door isn’t open but I don’t bother knocking, I walk right in and sit down. She’s fuming, it’s obvious, but in true Boss Mode she has her heeled feet up on the desk, her chair reclined and her arms folded. She’s not looking my way, refusing to meet my eye even.

“When I said I wanted you to get rid of him, I didn’t mean like this.”

“Truly, I had no hand in this. I swear.”

“The hell you didn’t,” she curses. “He’s taking clients with him. All I wanted was a simple incriminating video or something that would force him to go quietly, not this shitshow I’m now left with.”

“Then maybe you shouldn’t have been shagging him the whole time.”

Her head moves slowly as if she’s one of those horror-movie monsters whose head turns all the way around without their body moving. But subtly, she shifts until she’s placed her feet on the floor and is facing me, those eyes of hers red, her face blotchy, one of her nails broken and her hair slightly out of place.

“What?” she says. “How dare you—”