“Jesus Christ, I knew about them shagging in the bogs backstage, even while with other people, but a fucking baby? With their combined genes?”
She splutters with laughter down the line. “Ugh, gross. But get this, right? Yeah, it was in their contracts to not engage in co-worker relationships. Sharon made their contracts iron-tight.”
“Shit. So, what does this cost them, then?”
“Nothing, because, and this is the interesting bit… They admit to having sex, but they’re refusing to confirm a relationship. So, the baby, they claim, is basically a result of just sex. So, it’s like, an entirely grey area. Even though to like everyone else, it’s obvious, they were doing it on the quiet like because of the possible repercussions. It’s all a bit… well, it proves, doesn’t it? You can’t contract people into doing everything you want them to.”
“So, basically, like… what’s-her-face and Kev are leaving to co-parent,” she guffaws, “that’s the line they’re going with, obviously! And new contracts have to be drawn up, rendering the old ones null and void, and there you have it… Albie can just tell her to fuck off because he doesn’t have to sign with her again. So he’s going solo.”
“I can’t believe it.”
If Kallie were here, she’d see how shocked I am. After the conversation I had with Albie the other night, when he would’ve known what was to come… and he was still telling me that roadblocks stood in the way!
I think that behind closed doors, Albie has offered to compensate Kev and Marguerite privately—without Sharon knowing. Perhaps after a period of time has passed, Albie will reform the band—with new management. Or else, Kev and Marg really have decided to move on—Flawless having reached its natural conclusion, everyone having decided that it’s about time they all do their own thing.
“He’s not been in touch?”
“What, to tell me he can undo what he did? That everything can go back to how it was? No.” I’m not lying per se. I’m just not going to tell her about the other night; she’d get angry with me and I can’t be bothered explaining things over and over again.
“You don’t think he’d try to—”
“I don’t, Kal. I really don’t. What he did is too big to undo.”
“So… why’d you call today,” she asks, “if not to talk about him?”
“Do you remember that weird job interview I had?”
“Yeah. The creepy guy who said he wanted to bone you rather than give you a job?”
“Him, yep,” I say with a huff. “Lately, he’s been sniffing around.”
“I know, I know. His name is Aidan Linklater and I’m beginning to wonder if he’s an investment banker at all.”
“Oh… god.”
“Don’t like, question this too much, just… I know you have ways of finding things out. I know you know… a lot of people.”
“Hmm,” she says, and I can tell she’s thinking. “I don’t know, I don’t know. I’ll see, but I don’t know. Leave it with me, but no promises.”
“Thanks, Kal.”
“And how are you? Generally?”
I dramatically blow out a breath, my lips vibrating together. “Shit. But on the bright side, I’ve decided to take a full-time job again. Get back into an office environment. I miss other human beings. Go figure.”
“That’s great news.”
“And you?” I ask.
“Been on some dates… nothing interesting so far. Will let you know.”
“Cool. Well, I’d better go. I have a tonne of washing to do.”
“Me too. Will email about Linklater if I dig anything up.”