Page 94 of One True Love

“Let’s go into the snug by the fire,” I suggest, “I’ll get some more drinks.”

“Okay, darling. Whatever you say.”

I grab us a second round and find he’s moved into the snug when I get back. We sit in an ancient settle by the fire, the threadbare cushioning barely comfortable, and the backrest hard as nails, though we can hardly complain what with the warmth and the company. He has his arm around me and we drink in peace and quiet, not speaking. I keep my hand resting on his thigh and sigh occasionally as we both stare into the fire.

“You’re plotting something, I can tell,” he says. “It’s when you’re quiet. People ought to start running when Mirabelle Perez goes quiet.”

“You would only know this because you’re the same, Miles Farringdon.”

“Imagine if we were ever to become a unit. We’d be formidable.”

“We’d be fucking ludicrous.”

He laughs against my hair. “Can’t wait.”

I snigger and finish my drink.

Then I sit forward and motion I’m going to go. It’s only right he should let the lady leave first. We have several lingering kisses on the cheek, hugs in between, whispered words in one another’s ears.

“When it happens, I’ll be there,” he says finally.

“Thank you, darling.”

“Go now, and go knowing, I go with you.”

“And I with you, darling.”

I take a deep breath and swish out of the pub, stomping down the street with something like confidence in my step. I’m a powerful, intelligent woman.

And it’s time to start behaving like one.

Chapter Twelve

I call Kallie when I get home and she answers, “Hey girl, how are you?”

I’m just finishing a sandwich to soak up the wine and reply, “I’m getting there.”

“No news about your dad?”

I pause chewing. “Nothing.”

“Next time I go home, I’ll pop in if you like.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Listen,” she stammers, “I’m sorry things have been weird.”

“It’s all right.”

“You were right, I’m not just into girls. I’m probably much more into guys.”

“Don’t explain yourself to me. I understand more than you might imagine about conforming to a role you think you belong in.”

“You and Albie, you mean?” she groans down the line. “I saw the news.”

“I’ve heard but haven’t read in detail about it yet.”

“Basically, the rumour is Kev and what’s-her-face…” – she means the bassist we both never liked – “…are having a baby and are leaving.”