Once it’s gone quiet and they’re all gone, Aidan says quietly, “Why was he here?”
I shake my head. “He was drinking with the drummer. It looked like they were having a private chat. People who don’t know the ins and outs would maybe think that was ordinary, but he and Kev absolutely hate each other. They were here to thrash something out in a quiet, dark corner clearly, and Albie had given his security the slip. Beyond my best guess, no idea why he was here.”
Aidan continues eating his dinner but I can tell he’s stricken and the mood has gone. A year ago, if you’d told me that I would come to hate and fear Albie Hart, I’d have said you were an idiot and that I could never despise him. That was before he told me he loved me, wanted to marry me, then turned the next day into the coldest, most repugnant man I’ve ever known.
“I’m sorry, Aidan. I really haven’t seen him in months. I don’t wish to see him, ever again.”
“It’s not your fault,” he says, continuing to attack his lobster. “I’m upset that he seems to leave you upset. I don’t like that. He’s a cretin and doesn’t deserve to have even known you, let alone…”
I nod my head, biting my lip. “Yes, you’re right.”
We continue the meal in relative silence, then we have pudding, then we leave quietly.
In the car on the way back, he holds me against him on the seat but still doesn’t have much to say. Instead of us heading back to his, I realise I’m being driven back to my place.
“Aren’t we…?” I start to say.
“I don’t want our first time together to be overshadowed by thoughts of him. Besides, it’s early days, Mirabelle and you’re worth waiting for.”
He pulls me to face him and surrounds my cheeks with his hands, then kisses my lips chastely but surely. I find him very sexy in this moment and gaze back into his eyes, whispering, “Thank you, Aidan. You’re the perfect gentleman.”
“Unlike some people.”
“I know,” I groan.
I bury my face in his neck and close my eyes as the car bounces along the streets. Aidan holds one of my hands, and with his other, strokes my hair. He’s a coiled beast ready to pounce, but just not tonight.
I’m so angry with Albie… and I don’t exactly know why.
Chapter Ten
I’ve just washed my face and cleaned my teeth when my phone rings. I rush to see who it is, when I see it’s Albie Hart and my stomach drops into my knees. Furious, I refuse to pick up. I could end up talking to him while one of my dad’s carers are trying to get through.
When it rings again, I’m tempted to answer it this time. I look down at the screen and realise it’s actually Aidan this time.
“Hey you,” I answer.
“Just letting you know I’m home.”
“Okay. Everything all right?”
“Yes, everything okay with you?”
“I was just going to lie in bed and think of you.”
He laughs down the line. “On that note, I think I’ll do the same.”
“Goodnight, Aidan.”
“Night, beautiful.”
He rings off and I wonder if I shouldn’t have lied. I wasn’t planning on doing anything much except stewing on how angry I am with Albie.
I take my phone with me and pour a glass of wine in the kitchen. I’m about to switch on the TV when the buzzer goes. I take a look at the door cam and see Albie standing there in the rain.
Shit, no. Why? Why?
When he buzzes again, I answer before he starts pissing off my neighbours. “What do you want, wanker?”