Page 70 of One True Love

That’s nice to hear.

He goes quiet and I’m about to toss my phone again, when he texts once more:



Don’t rush into anything with anyone else. Promise me?

No, of course not.



I will be.

I really hope so, Miles.

As long as I know you’re out there and you’re OK, I’m OK

This isn’t u, ur scaring me x

I’m sorry, Mira. Once I’ve got through the bad stuff, I’d love for us to meet for dinner and do that stuff friends do, you know?

I’d love that x

OK, beautiful. It’s a future date. Until then…xx

Until then, Miles xxx

I throw my phone onto the floor again.

There’s something really sad about meeting someone when it’s not the right time.

Never knowing what might have been… and potentially… the time never, ever being right.

Yet I take comfort. I really hope we can be friends someday and be there for one another, because there’s just something about Miles that I really, really like. I can’t help myself.

Whereas Albie, he did something that really, really hurt me and that he can’t take back.


Chapter Four

It’s Eastertime, over a month since that interview. Kallie has gone back home for this holiday but it really isn’t for me. I’m not really a massive believer and I’ll spend Easter Sunday just the same as any other Sunday probably—by taking a long bath, eating a microwave roast dinner, bingeingFriendson Netflix and eating ice cream by the bucket.

It’s Good Friday when my phone rings and I look at the screen, and go, “Hmm, who’s this?”

The number isn’t withheld but it’s not one I recognise. I ignore it and let it ring out.

Shrugging my shoulders, I’m about to leave the house to go out for junk supplies, when it rings again. I’m tempted to answer but when it stops ringing because I didn’t make the decision quick enough, I shrug my shoulders and put it down to fate having made the decision for me.

Then, just as I’m about to open my front door, the phone pings with a notification. I have a voicemail. Intrigued, I dial and listen carefully.

“Hi Mirabelle, it’s Aidan Linklater, remember? Linklater Investments. I’m really sorry, but I had your CV and got your number off there. Listen, I’ve still been hoping you’d call so we could arrange a date. Well, it doesn’t even have to be a date. Could just be a bit of a walk or a coffee. No pressure. I can doubly assure you this is not how I go about things usually. In fact, I’m the proverbial bachelor, married to my job and that’s just how it is.” He laughs nervously, coughing. “Anyway, if you’re a hundred percent put off, I totally get it, but if not, just give me a call and hopefully I’ll make more sense in real life. I have some free time this weekend, as it happens, what with the bank holidays. So let me know. Okay, bye.”

Okay, wow.