I shan’t tell people that Miles hasn’t let up texting me all weekend. It started off with him trying to find out what I’d do with the things I recorded him saying, then quickly descended into him telling me he’s obsessed with me and can’t think of anything or anyone else.
This morning as I arrived at the office, I couldn’t see him through the tinted glass, but it was as though I could feel his eyes on me as I strode along the street and indoors. His office being upstairs, I know he has a great view of the street from up there.
Sure enough when I got indoors, he was on the upstairs balcony staring at me through the glass walls of the corridor that he and the other seniors work off. Ignoring him and how smart he looked in his white shirt, grey trousers, braces, paisley tie and tan leather shoes, again, I strolled through as though the new dress I’m wearing today means fuck all. Even though I purchased it on Saturday with the sole purpose of slaying. A black woollen dress that clings to every curve and shows off my arms and strong calves. Not to mention my arse. The dress looks amazing worn beneath my turquoise dress coat.
At 9.37am I’m just about done reading through all the thank-you emails regarding last week’s event at the Tate, when a new email arrives from Chrissy:
Can you come upstairs at 10? Nothing to panic about. Really good news actually. C
I gulp and my mind starts racing. This seems a good moment to go into the kitchen and make myself a hot cup of coffee. After replying that I’ll be there, I minimise all windows and pray nobody will try to join me in the kitchen.
I’m working on my coffee as quickly as I can when someone enters behind me and I begin to pray it’s not him.
“Hey, Mirabelle,” says Daisie, and I breathe a sigh of relief.
“How, how are you?” I say, glancing at her and trying to appear non-committal. “Plenty left in the kettle.”
“Oh no, thanks. I’m caffeine’d up enough already. Been up since half five.”
“Oh.” And that’s when I turn and find her standing with her back against the wall, her arms folded, one ankle crossed over the other, too. “What’s up, Daise?”
“You know something, don’t you?”
I blow the steam off the top of my drink before taking a sip. “What d’ya mean?”
“That look in your eyes today. What’s he done now?”
I shake my head. “It’s nothing to do with him. I’ve got a meeting with Chrissy at ten.”
Her eyes bulge. “You’re off upstairs?”
I’m nodding, thinking, yes, I’ve been invited to the hallowed upper echelons. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know yet, either.
“Oh, okay. So no new Miles drama that you know of?”
“None whatsoever.” I shrug. “Better things to do with my life.”
I regret the words as soon as they’re out; they suggest I’m either secretly with him, or I don’t care about the other women in this place who were.
She sighs and then plasters on a fake smile. “Oh, well, okay then, Mirabelle. Let me know if you discover any other interesting Instagram accounts, won’t you?”
She leaves me with that as she strides out of the room.
On the phone this past weekend, Kallie warned me I’m veering into dangerous territory, and I’m beginning to agree. There’s something really not good about this place and I could become trapped too, if I’m not careful.
I have to pass Miles’s office to get to Chrissy’s, but thankfully he’s on the phone and I shoot past so quickly, he doesn’t have chance to fly at me and beg me once again to give him another chance.
She and Lila are whispering in the corner as I tap on the open door, just to be polite. Lila turns and beams, asking, “Are you okay for a coffee?”
“Yeah, just had one.”
“Leave to you two to it, then.”
Lila flashes me a private smile on her way out, and because she doesn’t seem worried and in fact seems in good spirits for a Monday morning, I take heart.
Once she’s shut Chrissy and I in the room together, the boss gestures I sit on the opposite side of her desk in one of the guest seats, even though she’s not sitting. She smiles what I judge to be a genuine smile, her tall outline framed by the greyish light inside her office which is created by the metal blinds behind her, closed slightly against the low winter sun.