Page 50 of One True Love


“Once she’s had the baby, I’ll leave her. We already argue all the time. She hates me and I think she has a friend at work she likes.”

“And this has to do with me, because…?”

“You know what I’m saying.”

I snort and shake my head. I have several retorts, but I’m not ready for him to know exactly what I think of him, not yet.

“I don’t think you’d ever be able to remain faithful to a single person, you know?”

“This is different.You’redifferent,” he rushes to say.

I turn and flash my eyes at him. Even in the darkened event hall, mostly dim but for the purpose of lighting up the stage and the main exhibits, I can see the genuine fear in his gaze. He searches my face quickly and looks angry one second, lusty and desperate the next.

“I’m in love with Albie Hart. You’re my rebound but it hasn’t worked.”

I watch as he jolts with shock. I’m not lying and he knows it. My inner sadist grins with glee at the sight of him, pricked by my poison arrow, directed right where I knew it’d hurt.

Going back to my notes, I’m waiting for him to bugger off, but he remains stubbornly at my side. Bruised ego or not, he won’t give up.

“You’ll forget him with time,” he soothes. “Give me a chance.”

“What about your child?” I murmur.

“I’ll provide for the kid.”

Snorting, I rub my temples and decide, “Miles, it’s still categorically a no.”

“Why? Why?” he demands, almost as though I’m causing him pain on purpose. And when I turn to glance at him, he’s gazing at my mouth. “Why’d it have to be you?”

I smirk and look down my nose at him. “If Albie ever found out I was seeing someone like you, he’d have you murdered, I swear it. You don’t understand. It’s complicated. We’re not together, but if he knew… he’d not like it.”

“He’s even more of a fucking slag than I am,” he laughs.

“Yeah? Believe what you want.” I roll my eyes. “Sharon’s carefully constructed narrative works. Or, did you never stop to wonder about that, hmm?”

He purses his lips and seems struck by the thought that if controversial headlines keep Albie and the band constantly in the news, then that keeps sales forever ticking over. Though it obviously leaves Albie with no personal life whatsoever. He’s sacrificed everything for Flawless. Including me, yes. This seems to dawn on Miles at the same time as I’m thinking it—some dark, depraved plan forming in his mind in response.

When the crowd applauds the first speaker, we join in clapping too. And before I leave my hiding place to prepare the next speaker, I tell Miles, “Don’t underestimate me, Miles. I warn you. I’m no ordinary femme.”

“Uh, don’t I know it,” he complains.

I move in front of him, not much shorter than him in my towering heels, and he almost gapes at the sight of me filling his vision. “I meant what I said. I’ll put your mugshot in the hands of every decent bouncer in the city.”

“I don’t need clubs or bars or whatever to pick up pussy. I’ve got the internet,” he says smugly, right before realising what he’s just said.

“You’re right,” I laugh, reaching out to brush a bit of lint off his suit jacket. “And I’ve got a tablet that records, and it’s been doing so the whole time we’ve been talking.”

I light up the screen and show him I haven’t just been scrolling through my notes. He’s about to bite out an angry threat, when I turn about heel and chase off.

Let him stew on that awhile.

Chapter Ten

The following week, on a Monday morning much like any other, I’m intrigued by another mass email. It’s Lila. At 9.17am once everyone is settled in at their desks, she says to all the ladies who are still looped in:

Nothing new to report yet gang. Hang in there! Will let you know asap if anything interesting comes to light.