Page 7 of Shadow's Raven

“What have you done about it?” Talia cut in, scowling when I didn’t reply. “I know you, Cas. Even if you’ve not been forthcoming, you wouldn’t just let it go.”

I crossed my arms atop the table, resting on them.

“I’ve been periodically calling in extra units. You probably haven’t noticed the growing presence because I had them set up camps five clicks out in all directions. We have plenty of soldiers stationed here but it never hurts to have more. Outside of added personnel, I only made a few adjustments to increase response time if someone were able to breach the outer wall.”

After Lyric and Kree were both taken hostage, less than two years ago, Draven had agreed with my extended protective measures. We steadily added new defenses and safeguards, especially now that Lyric was pregnant. Because the added force didn’t happen overnight, no one batted an eye.

“I also sent a missive to Vera, asking her to visit Embour to reinforce the wards and add new ones where needed. She’ll be here within the week. When she arrives, I plan to ask her if it would be possible for her or her coven to scry on my behalf, see if she can find anything amiss in the Otherland.”

We did business with Vera quite often. Her magic was strong and her intellect even stronger. She might be able to read my aura or know something about fending off bad omens. I hadn’t gotten a chance to speak directly to her yet, but I was confident she would assist, especially considering our history.

Phalen crossed his arms. “You should have come to me. I would have put feelers out.”

My mouth twisted.

“You already did it, didn’t you? Damnit, Casimir.”

“I have access to the same intel you do, to the same soldiers. I was trying to get a handle on things without alarming anyone.”

“Yeah, and how’s that working out for you?” Draven mocked.

“The omen is meant for the one who dreams it. It’s my own ill fortune coming this way. Not yours. You feel responsible enough for everyone as it is. I refuse to add to your worries. If something comes for me, I’m as ready as I can be.”

“Something terrible befalling youisill fortune to me,” he retorted.

“I am the one who will be hurt by this. You guys are bystanders. I’ve worked to ensure that’s all you have to be.” I would not allow them to come to harm.

“So we’re all just collateral damage?!” he bellowed. “You think what happens in your life doesn’t affect us, when you know damn well when one of us bleeds, we all bleed?”

“I was trying to protect you! I know you, all of you, would fight for me, but I can’t bear the thought of something happening to any one of you. If things get bad enough, I’ll leave. I would never knowingly endanger any of you, never drag you down with me. I’ll take my own life before it comes to that.”

Draven and I were both breathing hard, staring one another down. We were always taking digs, like brothers might. This time, I knew under all that anger was something far more dangerous. It shone in his pale silver eyes—fear.

Draven didn’t handle the emotion well, not that I was much better.

“You talk of taking your own life again and I’ll fucking kill you myself, understood?”

“Yes, Lord Draven. I understand. If I want to commit suicide all I have to do is tell you and you’ll kill me. Thank you for the idea. Also, I’m pretty sure you stole that line from your mate somewhere along the way. Very unoriginal, but points for trying.”

His mouth twitched. Then he launched his big body out of his chair and had me in a bear hug before I could blink.

This is new.

“If it were me,” he spoke softly, “or any of the others, you would be all up in our business. Don’t pretend otherwise. You’re not alone in this, Cas. Let us help. Please.”

My lungs constricted and not because Draven had a death lock around my torso. He was right. I wouldn’t have allowed any of them to push me away, no matter the consequences.

“Holy fuck,” Lyric wailed. “That was so fucking beautiful. And you’re hugging. The big boys are hugging.”

My cousin and I both turned to look at his mate, the female who had been labeled as theShadow Blade. The master swordsman and ass-kicking warrior was crying like a baby.

“Don’t look at me like that! It’s these stupid hormones. If you don’t like it, you can both go fuck yourselves.”

“That’s three fucks in less than ten seconds, Angel,” Draven censured mildly, adding in the nickname he’d given his mate the day they met. “Maybe try to space them out a little further, practice using your filter before the babe arrives.”

I shifted a step back awaiting her attack. Instead, Lyric flipped him off and we all laughed. It had been a number of months since I used those particular muscles.

For a moment, I allowed myself to lean on the others. I feared a mere moment was all I could afford.