Page 3 of Shadow's Raven

“Then why?” she asked, clearly baffled by my continued refusal.

I didn’t answer this question. I never answered it. She should know why. If the Queen couldn’t grasp the concept of respecting fidelity between mated pairs, then she certainly wouldn’t understand why I would never allow my body to be used in such a way.

Sersha had asked this question at least a dozen times since taking me prisoner. This was usually the point in our conversations where she’d call in her guard to choke me unconscious so he could move me back to my cell. It was the only way they could get my cooperation.

That first day, she’d said she would have done it herself but she didn’t want to risk getting blood on her new dress. Her words had been so adamant I wasn’t sure who she was trying to convince. Sersha wasn’t the badass she so obviously wanted to be.

Though hidden, she had cracks. We all did. If I pressed, would she fall apart? Those who succumbed to emotions became careless. A careless Sersha might be negligent enough for me to get free; and she was definitely more frustrated than normal today.

When she circled back around into my field of vision, I lifted my head defiantly. “Why would you want me to willingly lie with your mate?”

Something sparked in her eyes. Velvet-soft, she brushed the crop down the side of my neck and across my clavicle.

“You are unique, Raveena.”

I didn’t correct her use of my birth name. It was the name I went by here. Only my mother had ever called me Raveena. My father shortened it to Raven, calling me by the name of his favorite ship.

The leather tongue tapped lightly, high on my cheekbone. “I’ve never seen a fae with eyes of violet.”

My eyes had likely been my downfall. I rarely glamoured them because it never held. Windows to the soul could not be dressed in a lie for long.

I’d naively thought little of it after my arrival. Forest green may have been the primary eye color of most fae, but it wasn’t a guaranteed outcome. There were variations within the gene pools. The head cook’s were a peculiar shade of faint amber and at least three of the maids had various shades of sky blue. My own father’s irises had often been mistaken for red when they held more dark magenta than anything.

Granted, Brokk Ulrik’s coloring was one of a kind. Most species of Other knew who he was on sight. When his enemies saw his purple-red orbs headed in their direction, they ran for their lives. Rightfully so. I wondered if Queen Sersha knew of their ties. I could imagine what she would do if she saw him coming, even without that knowledge.

“Nor are you of the same build of a true fae.”

The leather tip skated down the fabric of my top, then lightly tapped on the sides of each of my breasts. It didn’t feel sexual, more like an appraisal. I thought she might be envious of my ample chest compared to her own diminutive bosom.

Most fae females looked like Sersha, waif thin and dainty. Though I was petite in stature, I’d never been waiflike and I refused to allow my body to hold onto the skinny physique valued by so many courtiers. I’d worked for years to build muscle tone, to gain physical strength. My mother had put me in the position where it had been necessary.

“Perhaps you are of mixed blood?” The last two words came out like she had a bad taste in her mouth.

I didn’t fall for the bait. I’d never tell her of my heritage. It would be too easy for her to track down my kin and attempt to use them against me.

“I see why he covets you. He would never act on it without my permission, of course. Malcolm has always been most loyal to me.”

“Then why push me towards him?” I threw back.

“Because he is loyal and I like to reward him for it. By denying himself what he wants, he will slowly grow obsessed. You will occupy his thoughts more and more, become a forbidden fruit, if you will. He would never take you against your will. But if I sent you to his bed, and you willingly went, he could slake his thirst and be done with it.”

“He’s yourmate,” I stressed. It should have been explanation enough.

Sersha lifted one shoulder. “Don’t be so naive. Malcolm and I aren’t soulmates, and a soldier needs to be well-fed in all aspects of life to remain content. It’s worked before and it will work again.”

My lip curled.

The leather tip dipped below my belly button. My hips jerked away, halting her progression. Sersha took a few quick steps back. If she wanted a reaction, I had just given her one. I was done with this game. It was time to poke the viper’s nest.

“You want to feel like you have control over the situation, like you’re doing him a favor and he owes you something in return. No self-respecting female would ever tolerate her mate’s wandering eye—and she wouldneverallow her mate to lay a finger on another. You’re pathetic.”

I spit again, as far as I could manage. It fell short, landing a palm’s width from the tip of her satin-covered toes. Sersha’s pale skin heated. Her green eyes glowed. I might not have been able to hit her with my projectile but I’d clearly been able to miff the harpy.


“Dolan!” she screeched.

The door opened and the echo of heavy feet thumped across the stone floor. “My lady.”