Page 29 of Dirty Dean

My mouth drops open and he looks at me, daring me to disobey him. “Yes, Daddy.” I giggle and move into the bathroom to the right side of his desk.

He growls as I close the door and lock it. Oh my goodness. Slipping out of my thong, I take a picture of them on the ground and send them to him. I can’t believe I do it. Flirting like this is not something I normally would do.

Who am I kidding, everything is new and kind of scary to be honest. I run my hand along my right thigh, wondering how to finger myself. I haven’t exactly masturbated before.

My breath hitches as I slide my hand toward my folds and find that spot that Chris has sucked on last night. I bite my lip to keep from whimpering out as pleasure builds.

Closing my eyes, I imagine Chris…no, not Chris. Daddy.

I imagineDaddytouching me. His hands on my thighs, spreading me wide as his tongue touches my folds and makes me scream for him.

It doesn’t take long for me to have an orgasm. Especially when I think of how his cock fits inside of me. Last night after the first time, he was starved for me the second time, but that third time he took it slow and easy.

I remember what he said to me and how it made me feel wanted. “My sweet little one takes my cock so good. Feel how you open for me and your walls suck on me. Such a good girl taking me like a grown up. But we both know you’re my little buttercup, don’t we?”

He wouldn’t move until I agreed that I was his. That he owned me. I’m pretty sure I don’t understand everything that entails. It doesn’t matter because it makes me feel wanted and safe.

My body continues to burst into waves of pleasure as I rub my body. Eventually the orgasm subsides and I lay against the door, exhausted.

My body doesn’t want to move but I receive a text message and look at it. Sleep. I want to sleep.

Chris: Put your thong back on and come sit down.

Sighing, I set my phone down and pull my thong back on. Picking up my phone, I walk out of the bathroom and walk lazily toward Chris.

“I see your stamina is going to need to be tested. Look at you. You’re like a little kitten needing a nap.”

He doesn’t let me make it to the chair in front of his desk before he pulls me into his lap. “We will discuss everything in a bit. Rest for now, buttercup.”

The thought that I’m being too trusting rushes through me, but I’m already fading into sleep by the time my head touches his shoulder.

Chapter Seventeen

Jasminesleepsonmycouch, lightly snoring. I wish I could say I’m not looking over footage of her masturbating in my office, editing it to be sent to David. It’s all part of the plan. Patience has never been my strong suit so we will see how long it takes me to destroy them all.

Looking at the folder on my desk, I know I should throw away what’s inside and give her the blackmail letter, but I don’t. The need to have Jasmine completely under my control is too great, and it will set her up to be expelled by Christmas.

Putting away my dirty work, I walk over to Jasmine after she’s been napping for over an hour and wake her up.

“Hey, buttercup.” I bend down and push a piece of hair out of her face.

She smiles up at me, and that guilty feeling is back. “Hi, Daddy,” she says without any prompting, and it makes my heart rate quicken. I want her but now isn’t the time or place for that.

Jasmine stands up and hugs me. Fuck me. If I want this to work, I have to accept that she’s going to be sweet and cuddly. Wrapping my hands around her body, I crush her to me. Stroking her hair, I bend down, kiss her forehead, and enjoy the moment.

“Let’s discuss what’s in the folder, little one.”

“Ok.” She rubs her face into my stomach, and I want to tell her she shouldn't be so trusting.

Once we are seated, I slide the folder over to her and wait for her to open it. As Jasmine reads over it, I look at the computer version.

Daddy and Little Girl Contract

General information:

This agreement is intended to define the relationship between two people, hereafter called “Little one” and “Daddy.” This particular contract applies to a monogamous relationship only, and is entered into consensually, with both parties agreeing to the conditions herein.

Should either party for any reason wish to exit, cancel, or terminate this agreement, then either party may do so by written or verbal notification to the other, in keeping with the consensual nature of the agreementThis contract shall start when both parties have signed this contract.