Page 51 of Dirty Dean

Taking a seat in my chair, I stare at the television screen paused on the opening credits of Jasmine’s favorite show. Closing my eyes doesn't help the situation. All I can do is see the hurt and betrayal in her stare. The devastation I caused. How she’s breaking down, probably right at this very moment.

The worst part was I could see the little girl side of her retreating, frightened, and shutting down. An hour goes by and the satisfied feeling never comes. Hell no, it doesn’t. I’m sitting here feeling miserable and full of regret. The worst regret I’ve ever felt in my life. I trashed the only relationship that has meant the most in my life, and I threw my little girl away.

As I wallow in my second glass of whiskey, my phone rings and I take a look at it. Powers. What the fuck does he want?

“What?” I answer and realize it’s not professional, but I don’t give a damn.

Xavier “Hypnos” Powers is on the line, laughing at me. “Well, your fucking demeanor hasn’t changed since I was in college. Good to know, Dean Groveton. But I have a few of your students down here that decided to throw a Thanksgiving party on my docks.”

“For fuck’s sake. How many?” My head is swimming, and now this shit?

“Eh, they all ran away except two. Two girls to be exact. One’s tall, has long black hair, and looks very athletic. The other is a short little thing. Curly hair and curves for days.”

I immediately know who the girls are. How could I not?

“You touch them and I’ll fucking kill you, Xavier.” I growl and stand up, already putting my suit jacket on.

He chuckles. “Don’t worry, Mr. Groveton. My brothers are being careful because Charlotte didn’t want them hurt. They are in my house in the woods. You know where it’s at.”

“Xavier…” I grab my keys and slam the front door on my way out.

“Seriously, we are harmless. It’s Charlotte you have to worry about. She holds our balls now. Also, I have a proposition for you.”

“I’m listening.” Starting the car, I back out of the driveway and head toward Timberland. Fuck, how could those two end up there?

You, you idiot. You drove her away.

“I have children now.”

Oh hell, I know where this is going. “Alright, and?”

“I’ll keep your girl, which I’m guessing is the short, curvy girl, safe…but for a price. We haven’t killed anyone in a long time, and well, I know Ayres is itching to throw down with a baseball bat.”


“Oh stop, Mr. Groveton, I already told you, Charlotte won’t let us hurt her new little playmates. Hell, she took them inside to have some food and drink. They are safe. Now listen to me. My children are going to grow up, and I want them to go to Groveton College.”

The floaters in my eyes dissipate, and my heartbeat slows. “Is that all?”

I’d do anything to keep my girl from these psychos. Xavier saying they are safe is like saying a goddamn bear isn’t going to eat you.

“Yes, that is all. But, for now, just know that if your girl isn’t picked up in two hours, I’m going to enjoy…”

“Fucking touch her and I don’t care how psychotic you three are. I will rip you to pieces.”

“Exactly what I wanted to hear from you, Mr. Groveton. That’s how I know you love her. Now come get her. I guess you can have her bratty friend too.”

“You touch her and my volleyball coach will torch your entire house down with you in it. Don’t harm her.”

The last thing I hear is his laughter as he hangs up.Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.Before I can call Laura, she calls me.

“What the ever-loving-fuck, Chris?” Oh yeah, she’s pissed.

“I know.” What else can I say?

“You idiot.” That’s all she says as I hear her truck start up. “If my Tia dies, I will gut you.”

“They aren’t going to kill them.”