Page 5 of Dirty Dean

“Hey, Jazz.” When we hug, I'm home. It just feels natural, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

“Did you see all the extra-curricular things we can do?” The possibilities of networking and getting something out of this college makes me bounce on my tiptoes. Tia laughs, knowing that I'm a ball of energy when I'm happy.

“Come on. You need to sign up for the volleyball sorority and the fundraisers for the athletes. Also, I think we should do something else. You know, maybe some kind of booster thing?”

I prattle on while Tia is quiet. She's usually as talkative as I am when we are together. Is she sinking back into her darker thoughts like she did when we were younger? I try not to say a word about things like that.

She folds her schedule up and puts it into her back pocket. “I’m not sure I need any extra-curricular activities.”

“Oh, Tia, you have to be sociable. If you don’t make nice with your teammates, you are likely to end up being kicked off the team. Remember, this isn’t high school anymore. Social standing keeps you in a scholarship. It shows you are a team player and a leader.”

“Oh my God, seriously Jazz, just stop. I’ll sign up.” I chuckle and place my hand on her arm, pulling her toward the dozen tables.

Before we make it to the table, someone speaks, and I stop dead in my tracks. “Ms. Falcon.”

Tia tenses, and I look over at the woman walking over. I wonder if she’s a coach or something because she’s dressed like she would be one. Do they know each other already? I'm about to say hello but Tia beats me to it. “Hello, Coach.”

“It seems you ditched practice today.” She cocks an eyebrow at Tia, and I bite my lip. God, I hope Tia doesn't start some shit. She has no filter.

“Today? I was settling into my new apartment, Coach.” Oh man, what if she really did have practice? I pull out my phone and look at her calendar. We share calendars with each other so we never have to wonder if the other is busy. I don't see practice here.

“Yes, today. You’ll need to make up practice this afternoon. Be at the gym by five.” She walks away but turns back to Tia. “And Tia, don’t be late.”

Tia stares after her coach, and I blink. "Holy cow. She is so intense."

"Yeah." Tia sounds out of breath and my nose scrunches up.

"Ok, so we have some time to kill. Let's get this show on the road." I clap my hands together and Tia laughs.

After a full day of orientation, I'm exhausted. All I want to do is get in my room, take a shower, and then hit the bed. My stomach gurgles from not eating, but there's no way I'm going to the cafeteria to get something to eat; it’s too far for what little energy I have left.

"Poop." I feel my shoulders slump as I remember I forgot to tell Tia about the party. She's at practice right now, so I'm going to leave her alone. Turning my key into the lock, I push my door open, and the air condition hits me. I sigh in bliss.

"Hello, Jasmine."

Screaming, I jump and fall against the door, pushing it into the room, which makes me lose my footing.

"Damn, you really are clumsy." The person holds me as my breathing skyrockets. That voice. I know exactly who it is, but I don't want to turn around and face him.

"You could have announced yourself," I snap and immediately regret it. That's not who I am.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be outside your dorm. I'd have knocked and you could have opened the door. That way, I wouldn't have scared you."

Getting the courage to look at him, I step out of his embrace and turn around. "You're right, Uncle Chris. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so snappy."

"You have the right to be upset. There's nothing wrong with that."

"So, um, what are you doing here?"

Pulling the keys from the door, I motion for him to come in. As he walks past me, I get a whiff of his cologne. It's fresh smelling and not overpowering. I bite my lip and shut my dorm door.

"I came to see why you didn't respond to the email I sent you."

Looking at him, I move over to my tiny desk. Dang, he makes this space so small. It's like he takes up more than half the square footage with his presence.

"That's really odd. I don't have an email from you." I quickly scroll through my email. It’s most definitely not here.

"I guess it hasn't been sent, or my connection at home was lousy. Doesn't matter. I'm here now."