Page 38 of Dirty Dean

Tia starts the car and I process what she just told me. Shoot, this isn’t good. Not at all. The sniffle coming from Tia worries me. This isn’t like her at all.

“Did something else happen? Because your reaction to some girl’s remarks seems severe.”

We come to a stop sign and she turns, sizing me up. I’m doing the same thing to her.

“Yeah, Coach broke it off with me.” Her hands start to shake as we make the turn into the ice cream shop. “I have to leave. That’s the only option.”

“You’re dating her?”

Tia whimpers and nods her head. “But not anymore, Jazz. She… She…” She rests her head against my shoulder and I feel her shaking.

Shaking my head, I grab her hands. “No. That’s the extreme option. Besides, I’m pretty sure Chris will have your back. Seriously, there’s no reason for you to leave. Switch your classes? Sure. We can do that. Then volleyball is the only time you have to deal with your coach.”

I already know what I will do to make sure Tia is staying in this college. I won’t be here without her. She would do anything for me, and I would for her, too. Tia finally looks at me and she sighs.

“My scholarship. I’m going to be under investigation because I was in a sexual relationship with my coach. It’s going to look terrible and like I used sex to get into the school.”

I frown and shrug. “Oh.” There’s no way anyone would believe that.

“Yeah, let’s go get the ice cream.”

Smiling, I get out of the car and grab her hand. “Lots of it.”

“Look girls, it’s the slut of the team.”

I turn around and Tia is tense as heck. This must be Braxton. “Well, better to be a slut than a bitch. Go pick on someone who gives a damn.”

Tia is staring at me, and I realized I cussed, out loud, and told someone off. Doesn’t matter. No one picks on Tia. No one.

“Whatever,” Braxton says, and Tia smiles at me.

“Just remember, Braxton, I have your sim card. I’m pretty sure that your daddy doesn’t know you cheated on your test to get into college. Should I send it to him?”

Oh, man. Tia isn’t playing around. The hate between them is immense and suffocating. The other girls with Braxton look uneasy and I don’t blame them.

“Come on. We have a movie marathon to finish.” Tia says as she wiggles her eyebrows at me and I know she’s talking about Supernatural. Dean is so dang hot!

My mind rebels at that thought.Not as sexy as Daddy.

As I am thinking about Daddy, Tia is getting into with someone else but I don’t respond because she grabs my hand and we walk out.

“That was probably stupid,” she mutters, but I don’t want her down about anything.

“They got what they deserved and we are going home and enjoying our evening. Don’t think about them or anything else.”

As we drive home, I think about what I can do to make things right. It’s silly of me. I already know what I’m going to do. Once we get home, I shoot a text to Daddy.

Me:Daddy, Tia … well I’m going to be honest. She’s in a relationship with her coach. But her coach broke it off with her, and she’s trying to withdraw from school. We can’t let that happen. Please!

Chapter Twenty-One

WhenIgotthecall about Tia and Laura, I had already expected that was going to happen. And of course, it had to be the fucking Braxton’s. They are worse than my goddamn family on how stuck up they are.

I hated leaving Jasmine home, but she doesn’t need to know what’s going on yet. Tia should be the first one to tell her. So, here I am at the away game by myself.

Making it in time to see Laura come off the court, I look at her, ready to ask her what the hell is going on, but she shakes her head. Hmm.

“I already know.”