Page 33 of Dirty Dean

“No questions, yet. But I’d like to know the real rules. These seem like guidelines.” Jasmine smiles at me, and it’s at that moment that I come to the conclusion, she’s too smart for own damn good.

A knock on the door interrupts us. “Go to your desk and do some homework. I have a feeling I’m about to be pulled from the office for a while.”

As she stands up, the executive assistant comes in and informs me of my next meeting. Fuck. If we don’t get through this contract, I’ll never get her to sign it. There’s something in the back of my mind telling me I should walk away from her. I should let her live her life. Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen.

Chapter Eighteen

Chrisdoesn’tcomebackfor hours. By the time he walks through the door, the sun is setting and he looks pissed. I’m freaking out because I found the list of limits and there’s too much on there. The limits are like ten pages long, and I didn’t even make it past the A’s.

He takes one look at me, and I know he can tell I’m freaking out. “Let me guess, buttercup, you didn’t go do your homework. You took a look at the list that wasn’t supposed to be looked at yet?”

“I…” He advances toward my desk, and all I want to do is run. There’s no way I can do any of those things.

“Yeah, you looked.” He pulls me from the chair and hugs me. A sigh leaves his lips as he holds me in his arms. I wish it was calming me down.

“You… you want to do all those things?”

“Of course I do.” He gruffly pulls me tighter into him as I try to withdraw myself from his grasp.

“But… there are things on there—”

He kisses me to silence me but it doesn’t work. Not this time. I yank away from him, and his eyes move into slits.

“You want to auction me for charity?” I’m wounded in ways I’m not sure I have any right to be.

The audacity this man has as he laughs at me is unparalleled. “Of course. You know that as a full ride scholarship student, you are required to do charity. What better way than to auction you off to help the elderly?”

“No.” My head is shaking and I’m frantically trying to figure out how to get past him. “I’ll go read to them in the nursing home or … or…”

My words leave me as he crowds me into the bookshelf. A book falls a few feet away from us and he snarls.

“Calm down, right now, Jasmine. There’s no need to get uptight over things that you don’t understand. I’m not going to force you to do anything, but you are being ridiculous.”

I don’t think I am. “How would you like to be auctioned off?” The words sound petulant even to my own ears.

“Oh, for God’s sake. It’s not a sex auction, Jasmine. It’s a service where you go read to the poor or underprivileged. Or you help an elderly person with chores for the week. My God, I don’t run a damn sex trade.”

Chris pushes his hands through my hair, and he looks at me. “It will turn me on to see you do things like that. Besides, there are far more worse things on the damn list. Since you freaked the fuck out, let’s go get something to eat. I don’t want to be in the office any longer.”

Grabbing the list, I glare at him. “Well, maybe you shouldn’t leave stuff like this laying around.”

I’m being bratty again, and I know it. Walking away from him, he growls at me. “I didn’t say you could have clothes on.” Picking up my school bag, laptop bag, and phone, I look at him. He’s smirking. “Enjoying the show?” Why am I poking him?

“Immensely. I wonder what your mother would think of you acting like this.”

My hand stops midway to the doorknob. “What do you mean?”

“As you know, I have a direct line to her. I absolutely hate talking to my brother or your mother, but since your mother seems invested way more than you are in your education, I’m sure she would love to hear about your irascibility and how you are failing in your work study program.”

“What?” My eyes bulge and my back hits the door. “You can’t be serious. I only have to show her this paper and she will have your head.”

Chris is on me faster than I expect him to be. He grabs me by the throat and looks at me with disdain. I haven’t seen him look at me like that ever, and I don’t like it. “Little girl, you are playing a game with a master at it. I suggest you remember your place, and if you want to continue to be here at Groveton, you’ll do as I say. Even if I wanted to auction you off to the highest fucking bidder for the night, you’ll accept it because remember, once you sign that paper, you are mine to do with. However, I fucking please.”

Where I find the gall to say it, I don’t know, but I do. Looking at him in his angry eyes, I smile sweetly. “I haven’t signed yet.”

His chuckle is humorless, but he kisses me hard. His teeth mash against mine and I tremble as he holds my neck to the door. It turns me on, and it shouldn’t. If I’m being honest, I like some of the roughness.

“You will.” He steps away from me, pulls me from the door and opens it. “Now, go get in your car, drive to the house, and be on your knees in the garage at the door. I’ll be there shortly.”