Page 21 of Dirty Dean

Placing my phone on the charger, I grab my keys and purse. Driving always calms me down. It doesn’t take long for the music to start soothing me and the wind from the windows being rolled down to make me smile. When I see a Whataburger, I smile. The number five sounds fantastic right now. There’s nothing like a bacon cheeseburger, hot crispy French fries, and a sweet tea.

Pulling in, I’m looking forward to diving in and not having to worry about anything but stuffing my face. The best part of this is, no one knows where I’m at. Peace. Just me and the swinging fifties music to fill the air. Plus, I have my Kindle with me. Maybe I’ll finish that book about some beast taking the beauty from the ball.

The story was amazing, but I lost track of time and should have already been back at my dorm. I can’t neglect my studies. Even if I don’t want to deal with Chris, I need to read the email from my mom and let Tia know I’m alright.

“Hello, Jasmine.”

I look up to see Chris there, seething. Dang it. I forgot he shared my location with himself. The longer I look, the more agitated he seems to get. Words slip my mind as his eyes stare holes in me.

“Once again, you’ve disobeyed me.” He sits down in the booth blocking my way out. “And this time, you scared not only me, but your mother and Tia.”

How does he know that? He hands me my cell phone. “Call your mother, right now.” He has a look on his face that makes me wilt back from him.

Reading mom’s email, I make the call. “Jazzie, honey, where have you been?” The sound of concern in her voice makes me feel awful.

“I’m sorry mom. It didn’t occur to me to check my email. I’ve been busy studying for an exam.” It’s a lie and I hate myself for it. A tear runs down my face as I realize that lying makes me feel like shit. Chris sits there glaring at me, sizing me up to be the liar that I am at this moment.

“That’s what Chris told me, but I needed to hear your voice. Are you coming home for Thanksgiving?”

Well, that question is from out of nowhere, but Tia and I had decided long ago that our first Thanksgiving after high school would be together. Thank goodness Tia has a place for us to celebrate. “I think Tia and I are going to have Thanksgiving here, but I am going to come home for Christmas.”

“Oh perfect, Jazzie. David wanted to go to Alaska and spend time with his family there. I know you hate the cold, but I also don’t want to leave you out of the plans.”

I chuckle, because mom is right. I detest the cold weather. “No thanks, Mom. Y’all enjoy your time in Alaska. I’ll call you in a few days.”

“Ok, baby. I’ll talk to you later.”

Hanging up after telling my mom I love her, I text Tia.

Me:Sorry I didn’t text you back. I’m good. I hope you are too. See you in class tomorrow.

I look at Chris, wondering why he hasn't said anything yet.. “What?”

“Nothing. Come along.” He scoots out of the booth and waits for me to follow.

I pick up my drink and Chris takes it from me. He takes a sip and growls.

“Sweet tea, really?” He sets the drink down and takes my hand, pulling me away from the table.

“What’s wrong with sweet tea?” I mean we live in the South for goodness sake. Almost everyone drinks sweet tea.

“It’s too sweet for you. You won’t be drinking it anymore.”

I pick up the drink and take a sip. “Who do you think you are? I can drink whatever I like, whenever I like.”

“Set the drink down, Jasmine.” He takes my arm in a brutal grip. We stand there for a moment, glaring at each other. Rolling my eyes, I take another sip and put the drink down.

“Gah!” I yank arm from his grip and walk out the door. He chuckles and follows me toward my car.

He jiggles my keys so I can hear them. “You aren’t going to get very far without these.” I turn toward him and make a grab for them. He simply smirks at me. “Since I took an Uber here, I’ll drive.”

“Chris, I don’t think…” He pulls me into him and growls in my ear.

“I’m taking you to my house and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll fucking get into the car and shut that bratty mouth of yours.”

He unlocks the door and leaves me standing on the sidewalk, baffled and uncertain. I look at my phone and wonder if I can call Tia to come get me.

“Move your ass, Jasmine.” My feet move on their own as I fiddle with my purse strap and wonder how I tell him I want to go back to my dorm room.