Page 17 of Dirty Dean

Laura:Yes. Tia has been breaking curfew. Wanting to make sure she stays inside.

Thank God that’s all it is.

Me:Good enough.

For the next hour, I try not to think about Jasmine. I fail and get pissed at myself. This is supposed to be me fucking around with her to get my revenge on David.

Banging my hand on the steering wheel, I forcefully tell myself I’m done. I will not get feelings for this girl. Even if she does need me to direct her. As soon as I get her under my thumb and get my revenge, I’ll be done with her.

Something inside of me says otherwise. There’s not going to be a moment when I’m not done with her. For some reason, I feel as if I'm going down a rabbit hole that I may not be able to come back from. God dammit, I can’t be this foolish. It’s ridiculous I’m sitting here having a damn debate on what I’m going to do with Jasmine when I already know.

I turn up the music and drive home. It’s the best place to get my shit together and forget about Jasmine for the night. Besides, I have a gut feeling I should be worried about my volleyball coach.

Chapter Ten

WhenChrisleft,embarrassmentflooded me, and I knew I had to get out of there as fast I could. Still, I had a job to do, and when my hours were up, I hightailed it like the devil was after me.

Meeting Tia like I promised, she comes running up and hugs me. "Ok, so we

need to wear something fun and sexy at the same time."

I don’t like dressing up. It freaks me out to think about the way I might look in something. Besides, Tia won’t understand the scars if she sees them. "You mean we have to dress up?"

Tia kisses my forehead. "Yes, you goofball. We gotta make that basketball player wish he had you in his arms all night long."

Oh, God. I don’t know if I can do this. I had meant to distract Tia with the party but now my gut is swirling with anxiety. "I'm not sure. What if... what if he was just being nice?"

"No way. You're gorgeous. Anyone that asks you out should be honored." She always knows what to say and when to say it. Sometimes I think she’s psychic with how good she can read me and know what I need to hear.

"Thanks, Tia." I hope she’s telling me the truth because I don’t feel like anyone would like me. Even if I wasn’t plus-sized, I’m a full blown nerd.

When we get to the party, it’s loud, and people are dancing everywhere. Is this

really what a party is like? I don’t think I should be here. It’s not my scene, and Tia must realize that.

Taking me by the arm, she pulls me close so I can hear her over the music. “Relax, you got this. I’ll be with you the entire time.”

I smile at her and nod. “Thanks, Tia.”

Jaxon comes up and slings his arm around my shoulder. ‘You came. So fucking glad you did, cause this party was pretty damn lame without you.”

A blush rises up my neck and Tia smiles at me. Alright, so maybe Tia is right. Jaxon may like me and that thought should make me happy. Right?

“Who let the cow in?” someone says, and a few others laugh as another person makes mooing sounds.

Jaxon winks at me. “Ignore them, let’s go dance.”

For a few minutes everything is fine. Tia and I dance with Jaxon and one of his friends, but then a bigger crowd comes in and people start making fun of me and taking bets on how long it will take for Jaxon to bag me.

Tia gets pissed and to distract everyone, she takes a shot that one of the guys tried to give me. Jaxon gets me one and tells me he’ll be right back. Tia looks at me and nods for me to move over to the corner.

“No matter what happens, you are to stay right here. Do not drink what Jaxon gave you.”

I hand her the drink and she dumps it into the plant nearest me. “Please, Jazz, don’t move. Everything will be alright.”

I want to believe he’s a good guy, but what if he isn’t? Time seems to elapse and the room kind of spins around but I keep my eyes on Tia. If she’s here, I’m alright.

"What's going on, Jazz?"