Page 1 of Big Nick Energy


Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy a Mercedes. And it’s more comfortable to cry in one of those than on a bicycle.

-Food for Thought


“How’s school going?”

I looked at Banner with a glare in my eye, though he completely missed it seeing as he was halfway around the world, doing God knew what, God knew where.

He’d been gone for a long time.

When he’d joined the Navy, a day hadn’t gone by that I hadn’t worried for him.

That worry, however, had been taken up about fifteen notches when he’d been sent on his first mission.

He was officially a Navy SEAL. And I was officially a Navy SEAL’s wife.

Some days, I didn’t know if I could handle it.

And others, like today, I knew that if I just heard his voice every few weeks, I could.

“Were you listening to anything I said?” I asked curiously, wondering if he’d heard me, or if he’d just pretended to listen like he sometimes did.

Banner glanced down and flashed me a grin.

We were Facetiming. Only, Banner had the phone in his lap, so all I could see were his nostrils, the underside of his chin, and a few flashes of grins.

“I’m listening,” he promised, not bothering to fix his phone’s positioning. “I just didn’t hear that part. I’m in a bad area.”

I didn’t think about the ‘bad area’ or the fact that I didn’t like him being in a bad area.

“It’s going,” I admitted somewhat sullenly. “Switching to online classes was the better choice.”

I’d switched to online classes after a few too many incidents with needing to puke all the way through class. And hell, all the way through the day.

When Banner had gotten me pregnant about a year too early I’d panicked because I wasn’t sure what that would mean for me and schooling.

I was so close to being finished.

I’d spent the last four years going to school.

The baby, although a very welcome surprise, kind of put a kink in my plans.

“I thought it might be.” Banner glanced down at me and smiled, a gleam in his eyes. “How’s my baby?”

Always his baby. Never mine.

I rolled my eyes as I shivered at the sound of his voice.

Still, to this day, Banner Spurlock gave me an ooey gooey feeling in my stomach that felt like it was permanently filled with trapped butterflies.

“Your baby is keeping me up at night. It’s like I switched from one hell to another,” I admitted.

Going from hyperemesis to insomnia was trading one very bad thing for another.

But, at least while I was awake, I could eat whatever the hell I wanted.