I need to get laid.
I’m not used to having this kind of attention from men. All of the guys at Olympus know I’m Belen Drakos’s daughter. They keep their eyes off my body and treat me as an extension of my father.
These two brave souls don’t seem to have any boundaries. Ares acts like he hasn’t had sex in months and wants a quick fix. But there’s no way he’d go sexless for long, not with that face and body.
I pluck a piece of baklava from the plate and chew, intentionally licking the honey from my fingers one digit at a time.
Apollo gives me a satisfied grin. “Eat some more.”
Why is he being so bossy?
“I’ve had plenty,” I tell him.
He leans closer, dipping his head down to speak against the shell of my ear. “You don’t have to be afraid to eat in front of us.”
How dare he?
I scoff at him, holding my head high and hoping he can’t see the shame written on my face. “I’m not afraid of anything.”
But he’s right.
I picked at most of my food, hoping no one would notice. That’s my MO. Call it my big girl complex, but I have never been comfortable eating in front of others. I swear they look at me weirdly, wondering why I’m even bothering to eat when I could drink water and gain weight.
“You’re a brave girl,” Apollo says. “But I see right through you. Lower your guard a little, Ophelia. It won’t kill you to get to know us.” I turn my head to see his lips curl up into a grin that reaches his honey-brown eyes. “We’re going to be family.”
I’m unsure what game they are playing, but I’m not an idiot. I have all three of them figured out. Apollo listens and wants people to think he’s the nice one. Ares is the family’s enforcer and strong-arms people into doing what he wants. Atlas is the creative, silent type.
Apollo and Ares are intentionally trying to get closer to me. It’s not because we’re going to be step-siblings. Those sexy assholes are up to no good. They have every reason to hate my family after what happened to their father.
Adrian Demetriou was gunned down outside one of my father’s clubs after a falling out with my dad that broke up their family. And now Athena is marrying her ex-husband’s former business partner. Adrian died one month before my mother passed away, and the murder has gone unsolved.
Did my dad push him out of the business, ruin his family, and kill him to get closer to Athena? Was it an elaborate plan for them to be together? The note Athena showed me was written in my mother’s handwriting. Maybe she was doped up on meds and unaware of what she was writing. I distrust Athena even more now than I did earlier, knowing I must keep her at arm’s length.
“How do you like running Olympus?” Apollo says with one of his award-winning grins, snapping my attention to him.
“I was born to lead. The role suits me perfectly.” I study his handsome face, searching for whatever he’s hiding. “What do you do with your free time?”
“I run a private equity group and help Ares with Akropolis, his fight club.”
I glance at Ares, and he winks.
“You should watch me fight, little dragon. I’ll put on a show just for you.”
I shake my head. “Thanks for the offer, but I’ve got a club to run. Doubt I will have any time.”
“Then make time.”
He removes his suit jacket and rolls his sleeves, exposing his muscular forearms covered in ink. Beneath the white dress shirt, his biceps strain against the fabric. Dark ink peeks out from beneath the top few buttons of his shirt, and I can see he’s cut like an athlete.
Down, girl.
I need a cold shower to erase the memory of Ares taking off his jacket. That’s an image that will forever be burned into my brain.
“My schedule is packed,” I deadpan as I pretend to check the calendar app on my phone. “I’ll see if I can fit you in between now and never.”
“You think you’re funny, don’t you?” Ares sinks into the chair, his big body taking up space as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Let’s see who gets the last laugh.”
“I love how much you fuck with him.” Apollo’s voice is deep and smooth, and once again, he’s invading my personal space. “Do you know how often anyone talks like this to Ares?”