Page 1 of Candy Lips



It isn’t hard to find someone who is terrible at hiding. They leave clues. Precious little clues like a trail of candy leading straight to their precise locations.

My candy trail comes in the form of social media updates. As if we aren’t living in an age where posting your location for anyone to see isn’t one of the most dangerous things you can do, my girl does itconstantly.

Most influencers will carefully curate their uploads to only give away where they’ve beenafterthey’ve been there. My dear Cora doesn’t do anything of the sort. She’ll check in wherever she goes, reporting where she is at any given time. It’s fantastic. For me, of course. Sure, I’ll have to put a stop to it eventually for her safety, but for right now, it’s perfect.

Cora isn’t an influencer per se. She doesn’t take brand deals or post about her favorite things for others to purchase. There’s no realinfluencinggoing on, merely people watching as she lives her life exactly the way she wants to live it. Twenty-six million people, to be exact.

Seems like a ridiculously large following, no? How does that even happen to someone? Easily,sometimes. And in this case, it's as simple as it gets.

It’s just that, well, she’s sort of famous.

We both are.

Cora Abbey is the stunning daughter of Ginger Abbey.TheGinger Abbey, of Ginger Couture—a fifty-sevenbilliondollar fashion empire. An empire that she built with the help of her father, one of New York’s most notorious investment bankers. And five years ago, Ginger married Troy Elsher. Troy Elsher is, to this day, the highest earning rockstar in the last fifty years.

And he’s my father.

Yes, that’s right. My dad married the mother of my future wife,what a conundrum. I’d be furious with him, if he didn’t introduce us.

He’s a good father, for the most part. Took me in when my mother decided she didn’t want a rockstar lifeora mom life. She probably should have figured that out sooner, but it worked out pretty well for me. My dad adores me, and he’s the reason I have my Cora, now isn’t he?

When the marriage became official, Cora and her mother moved into dad’s penthouse. It was decided to be the best fit for all of us, centered around where we all typically needed to go, and it was plenty big enough for the four of us.

Sure, Cora and I could have moved out and given the newlyweds some space, we were old enough as it was. But there’s just something about living at home as a young adult. Growing up is daunting, and having a comfort zone isn’t something to turn your nose down at.

Besides, I couldn’t leave the nest so soon. Not when a gorgeous creaturejustmoved in. I became determined to know her quickly, spending as much time around her as possible. I found out she was guarded and standoffish, mean even, but it was surface level. An act. A defense mechanism, for what I wasn’t sure. She wanted me to stay away so she snapped at me often, always remaining cold toward me. I didn’t mind. All I knew was, I couldn't be deterred so easily.

It didn’t take me long to suss out that my Cora was interested in women. Not exclusively—like me—since I’d seen her caught in precarious situations with more than one or two male models in the tabloids. I couldn’t exactly be mad with her for it either, given she had been with them before we’d even met.

I knew for sure she was sexually attracted tomefour weeks into her moving in. She’d caught me in the shower, fucking myself with my fingers, and she didn’t look away. She didn’t evenpretendto shield her eyes from my glistening body while I worked my pussy for minutes on end.

Cora stayed until I came, but I found her after she scurried off with bright pink cheeks and a flushed chest. At nineteen years old, she was only a year my junior, and everything I wanted her to be. Eager but nervous, tempted but afraid, horny but almost innocent—denying her desire for me as if it were something to be ashamed of.

She was gorgeous of course, and once I knew I could have her, I got her. I broke down those mean little walls of hers every time I got her into bed, not even minding when they built back up the next day. I love her fire, and it burns so fucking good for me.

Now at twenty-four, she thinks that has somehow changed?Silly thing, she is.

We may have never done the hearts and flowers dating bullshit, but we’ve been exclusive. She’s practically had my name tattooed above her pussy forfive years.The morning I found her room entirely empty, I wished I did brand her somehow. I wished I had claimed her in public or in front of the press—in front of our parents, even.

I should have shoved my tongue down her throat in front of everyone to make a statement a long time ago, but now is as good a time as any. Because I know where my slippery girl has snuck off to, and I know precisely where she’ll betonight.

A college halloween party isn’t somewhere I’d typically be caught dead, but as I’m finding out, I’m willing to go to drastic lengths for my girl.

The girl who has never expressed the desire to further her education might have believed some swotty university would be the last place I would look for her. But sharing her location online still… I know she wanted to be caught by me. Subconsciously or not.

I know this for certain. I know more about her than anyone else ever will. A few fun facts? I’ll make you a list.

Things you wouldn’t know about Cora Abbey because you can’t get close enough to find out:

She smells like watermelon, unless she puts on perfume. In which case, it’s Chanel Number 5.

Shealwayshas hard candy in her mouth.

Her nail polish is consistently chipped, as she can’t help but pick at it when she’s nervous.