Page 12 of Daddy's Lost Rebel

“Back then?” Ford mumbles.

“Hush now,” she chastises, still smiling.

“It all worked out then?”

“Definitely and—Oh!” Stella squeaks like she’s just remembered something. “I almost forgot, here!” She shoves her fist into her dress pocket and pulls out a little black tube, handing it to me. “Weston said you might like this.”

An eyeliner pencil. Weston, the same Weston who’s devising some kind of protection plan for me right now, asked Stella if she had any eyeliner to give me.

My throat clogs with emotion. “I—”

“Oh, and it’s a new one, of course,” she rambles. “I have a bunch and don’t wear it often, so that one is aaall yours.”

“Thank you,” I whisper, rolling the gift between my fingers. “It means a lot.”

“I’m so glad I can help,” she replies sincerely. “We can order you some clothes that fit your style better under my name and pick them up in town soon too.”

“Oh, but—”I don’t have any money…

“No buts,” she argues. “Weston already set it up. You just have to pick what you like. He’ll show you later.”

“I—”don’t know what to say.

It doesn’t matter that I can’t find words because Weston comes into the room. Offering a nod to Stella, he whisks me away without uttering a word. He guides me by my elbow to the far end of the living area to talk privately.

“We’ve got everything all planned out,” he states softly.

I blink at him. “You do?”So fast?

“Yes.” He nods for added assurance. “They’re finishing up some paperwork, and we’ll be good to go.”


“Yes, it’s all handled.”

“So, they’re going to help… because you asked? Just like that?”

“Just like that,” he agrees smoothly. “You don’t have anything to worry about anymore, Beck. I’ve got you covered.”

The finality in his words and the firmness in his tone are enough to break my normally cool composure. I thrust myself into his arms, crushing my mouth against his in a fierce and greedy kiss. Weston grunts at the force of my action, but pulls me closer all the same, kissing me back and wrapping me up in his embrace.

“Thank you,” I breathe into our kiss. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

We haven’t talked about our developing relationship since our last kiss, and I don’t even care. I just know I need him. I’m about to deepen the kiss when a throat clearing stops me. My face flames when I find all seven of the Scotts watching us.

“Sorry,” I blurt out, untangling myself from Weston. I’d forgotten that even two of them were in the room, but now they all are.

Stella cracks a teasing smile. “Don’t let us interrupt.”

“You’re not,” I fib, trying to be polite. “Weston said something about paperwork… um, I didn’t have a chance to ask what paperwork yet.”

“Too busy kissing his lips off,” Stella chuckles. “Very understandable.”

Before I can blush even harder, Bridger steps forward with a small pile of papers, holding them out for me.

“Welcome to the family, Beckett Scott.” He passes me a driver’s license, social security card, and birth certificate, all with my name and information altered.

“I’ve always wanted a little brother,” Bridger jokes.