Emboldened, I took him in my mouth, first just the tip and then more and more, finding I could take the length of him but that he slid down my throat. But I didn’t gag. I began to truly enjoy myself, feeling more powerful each time I made my way up and down the length of him.

Jay’s large hand grasped my chin, tilting my head up toward his face, holding it there so that I couldn’t look away. It was a difficult angle, but I saw his hunger for me in his piercing gray eyes, and it made me want to redouble my efforts. He moved his hand from my chin to the nape of my neck, where he entangled his hand into my long hair. I was desperate to please him, but I tensed as his thrusts came faster and more forceful. Then I really did gag around him.

“You can take it,” he reassured me.

“That’s it,” he said, hitting the back of my throat as I began to relax again. “Just like that,” he crooned, leaning farther back into his chair but not releasing his grip on me.

“Now breathe,” he ordered, pushing his way forcefully to the back of my throat again.

Even when he was fucking my mouth, he was giving me a lesson, I thought, my usual ornery nature momentarily rearing its head. But I was determined. I breathed in through my nose and focused on taking him deeper. He continued thrusting the hard length of him in and out of my mouth until he found his rhythm, and then his release, spilling down my throat. His grip in my hair went slack, and I knew I’d succeeded.

I went to rise from my knees. Jay grabbed me and placed me on his lap. He, again, commended me.

“Hmm,” he rumbled, his hand resting on the inside of my thigh. “That wasgood.”

I brightened at knowing my hard work had paid off.

“Where did you learn how to do that?”

“I didn’t. That… That was my first time,” I admitted, hating the shyness in my voice.

Normally so confident, I felt so timid at finding myself in new territory, especially with a man like Jay. He merely nodded in approval.

“Learning to please me with every part of your bodyin every waywill be your second lesson, my dear. But you have to master your first lesson first. You’ve done spectacularly, and I have no doubt you’ll continue to do so, but you’ll not touch me again until I’ve decided that you’ve mastered your ability to come for me when I command it.”

He looked at me expectantly, waiting for my reply.

“Yes, Jay,” I replied, knowing that was the answer he was looking for this time.

Resuming his stoic high lord demeanor, he gave me a chaste kiss before lifting me off his lap and placing me back in my seat, making it clear I was to return to my studies. He buttoned up his blue dress pants and went back to his book, licking his finger to turn a page, the same finger he had stroked within me minutes before.

“Strawberries,” he noted appreciatively under his breath, as he continued his reading.

I burned in satisfaction at the sound of approval in his voice.Always come for him, learn to please him,lessons. I wasn’t sure what exactly I’d just signed up for, but those were the kind of lessons I could look forward to. I struggled to return my focus to the book before me.

Led by Prince Heroux, the forces of Valencia rebuffed the advance of the Alancian army…I read and reread the same sentence several times, trying to ignore the wetness threatening to escape my small panties. I let out an exasperated sigh, finally turning the page of my book that had taken me entirely too long to get through. Jay released a small, self-satisfied chuckle, as if he knew of my internal struggle.

As he stared at the books before him, I watched his face revert back to that of the aloof high lord. I ran a fingertip across my lower lip, contemplating which path forward would be more tortuous—his continued attention solely upon me or my inability to touch him in return.

My lessons for the rest of the week continued with me and my books taking turns sprawled out on top of the large table in the library.



Grey popped into existence at the same time I appeared alongside his son at yet another location along the magical border wall between Valencia and Alancia. Despite still being summer, there was a cool crispness in the air of the woods because we were so far north.

“How many is this?” Grey asked. The King wore a simple, forest green tunic and dark pants. He rolled up the sleeves of his tunic to his elbows despite the coolness around us.

“Five,” I responded. “Today.”

It was the fifth location we had viewed that day that had signs of deterioration. The border wall itself was invisible and the only way to know it was there was to look directly at it. In a healthy condition, the magical border wall functioned as a mirror. Upon approaching the wall, all that could be seen would be a reflection. However, as I peered at the wall I did not see the reflection of the woods behind me. Instead, through a hole big enough to fit about one man, I saw a section of the forest where the woods continued. I spotted a creek in the distance.

It was difficult to believe that it had been twenty-three years since I had seen what was on the other side of that wall; twenty-three years since my southern brethren and I had been separated from our northern counterparts.

“Just like the others, it’s not a complete hole through the wall.Not yet.No one has gotten through it,” Grey said, almost as if reassuring himself. “But if I don’t fix it, it could get worse and it is conceivable that someone could get through it.”

The King’s son, Nik, stood nearby, his hands in his pockets. He craned his neck, peering at the small opening, and something that looked like the crest of a wave peeked over the high collar of his dark emerald-green button-down. His dark brows furrowed and then turned his back on the wall, pacing in the opposite direction.