Page 10 of Vacancy

“Good idea. Let’s.” She stepped back for me to take the lead. “Have at it.” She even sat back on the couch’s armrest to watch, swinging one foot lazily as I knelt and opened the bag to peer inside.

“Ah. Here we go.” I lifted a bit of metal barely bigger than a key. “One opener.”

“Yay.” She raised both hands and shook them in congratulations.

I guess she hadn’t been the one to buy the supplies. Curious.

“Looks like you have about everything else you need too,” I said as I continued to snoop through the bag, pulling out a stirring stick and then some new paint brushes.

The section that needed to be touched up didn’t seem large enough to require rollers, a tray, or even edging tape, so we looked to be good to go.

“Great!” Thalia said and splayed out a hand before her. “Don’t let me interrupt.”

As the song ended and switched over to “We Are Young” by Fun, she glanced up with a slight frown. “No… Go back toCall Me, Maybe.”

I returned my attention to the paint set, and the song switched back.

“Hope you don’t mind,” Thalia called from behind me. “I have to repeat my favorites when they come on.”

“No worries,” I assured. “I can dig it.”

With a content sigh, Thalia added, “I just love Carly Rae so much.”

“Yeah,” I murmured with a nod. “It’s too bad she was basically only a one-hit-wonder.”

As I picked up the small can and began to shake it, Thalia sniffed. “What’re you talking about?”

I glanced back to find her sending me a funny look.

And she appeared to be dead serious when she answered, “I’m sure she’ll come up with something just as popular soon enough.”

My brows lifted over such loyal devotion, and I refrained from disagreeing in any way as I concentrated on getting the paint shaken properly.

Then I sat the can down, kneeling next to it as I started to pry the lid loose with the opener.

Thalia leaned forward with interest as she watched. “Well, you really do know what you’re doing, don’t you?”

I laughed as I popped off the lid and set it safely out of the way. “I should. Every time I broke a poor boy’s heart in high school, I needed to repaint my walls. It was a very cleansing process.”

“Hmm.” Thalia plucked at a stray hair that had fallen from her ponytail and started to wind it around her finger. “I usually just got a new hairstyle.”

I shrugged. “That works too.”

Bobbing her head in agreement, Thalia tipped me a curious glance and asked, “So… Is there anyone promising in your lifenow? Nosey prospective roommates want to know…”

“Not currently, no,” I said with a depressed sigh as I dunked the brush in and then ran it against the lip of the can as I pulled it out to minimize drippage. “I just transferred to Haverick this semester so I decided to take a sabbatical from the party scene in order to focus on my studies.”

“Commendable,” Thalia praised with a thoughtful nod. “I wishI’ddone that. So you’re a…junior then?”

Standing, I lifted the can with me as I surveyed the wall. “Yep. And a journalism major in Broadcasting.”

“In the English sector.” She whistled as if impressed. “Nice. You know, there’s a hot, young professor that just started this year, teaching Technical Writing.” Rubbing her hands together, she added, “And, mmm, he isquitethe treat. It’s almost enough to make me want to switch majors to something over in English myself.”

Pausing from my project, I glanced over. “So you’re attending HaveU too?”

“Yep.” She lifted her hands to put herself on display. “I’m a junior, like you. But I hail from the drama department. Of course.”

“Of course.” I nodded, thinking that made sense with the amazing flair for life she had, even as I wondered how the heck she was able to attend classes and keep up a GPA that didn’t get her kicked out if she didn’t expect to be around town all that often. But then I figured it was none of my business.