Page 82 of Vacancy

He glanced at me in interest and arched his eyebrows. “Seriously? So we wouldn’t even have to leave the room?”

There was something so boyishly adorable about his delight that I stroked a hand over his beard, unable to resist. “Stay right there.”

Then I rolled away and draped half my body off the bed, scavenging through the mess until, “Jackpot!” I called and lifted the box.

Needing a little sustenance myself, I sat cross-legged beside him and worked to open the box before extracting two packages of glaze-frosted cinnamon swirls.

“Here you go,” I said, grinning with pride as I handed him one.

He looked into my eyes gratefully as he slipped the honey bun from my hand. Then he very purposefully tossed it back over the side of the bed and onto the floor again. “Oops,” he murmured, staring straight into my eyes. “It slipped.”

I blinked at him, unable to believe he would do such a thing, but then I realized I must’ve just flashed my bare ass at him when I’d leaned over the bed, and I snorted, rolling my eyes.

“You are such a perv.”

He batted his lashes playfully. “A very hungry perv,” he agreed.

* * *

11:30 AM

After an entire six-pack of honey buns had been devoured, I announced, “And now I want a shower.”

With my belly full, I was suddenly very aware of all the stale sweat left over from our marathon night together.

Damien glanced over as he licked some glaze off his thumb from his last sweet roll. “I have a shower,” he said. “And water.”

I snorted out an amused laugh but then managed to straighten my face as I lifted one eyebrow. “But do you have soap?”

Wincing as if he needed to think about that, he squinted at me before slowly replying, “Yes, ma’am…I reckon I can scrounge up something for you.”

“Well, then…race you to the bathroom?”

He blinked as if he didn’t understand the question, then he suddenly dove into action, scrambling off the bed.

I half-screamed, half-laughed, and dove after him, tugging at his leg to hold him back. “Wait! That’s cheating.”

* * *

11:45 AM

“Isn’t having your own private bathroom so nice?” I asked before moaning and letting my head fall back as Damien massaged my scalp with his shampoo. I didn’t even care that it smelled super masculine; his hands felt too damn good for anything else to matter.

“I didn’t have a bathroom to myself until I moved into your brownstone,” I added. “I was even an only child; you’d think I wouldn’t have to share. Except my parents didn’t have a master bath in their room, so I grew up with my mom’s bras hanging from the towel rods and Dad’s beard hair clogging the sink. But this…this is awesome.”

“It’s been a while since I shared with anyone,” Damien admitted behind me as he carefully began to rinse my dark strands with water. “I had to share with Thalia for a while, though, so yeah…I totally get you with the bra thing. There were just…so many of them. After a while, I swore they were reproducing on their own.”

“Right?” I asked, turning to face him. “I’m even a girl with boobs, andI’venever left bras hanging around everywhere like that.”

“Mmm,” he hummed in interest as he glanced down at my breasts before lifting his hands to cup them. “I have a feeling I wouldn’t mind seeing your bras. Though, they’d probably leave me perpetually turned on.”

I smiled and smoothed my hands up his wet chest. The urge to kiss him overwhelmed me, so I pulled his face down and tugged his lips to mine.

* * *

12:00 PM.

“I like these dual sinks,” I said, wrapped in a towel and standing next to Damien as we faced his vanity while he wiped fog off the mirror.