Page 69 of Vacancy

Truly boggled by how he knew all this information, I just kept blinking at him. “I...didnotknow that.”

Keene nodded, excited about sharing his knowledge. “It’s the only body part in humans that existssolelyfor pleasure. And it’s got upwards of 9,000 nerve endings.” Pausing to send me an arched-eyebrow glance, he felt the need to add, “The penis only has about two to three thousand.”

“Well...score,” I answered, nodding in appreciation.

“And did you know,” he went on, “that your clitoris gets engorged and swells with blood when you’re aroused, similar to what a penis does?”

“Well, I suspectedsomethingwas going on down there,” I had to admit.

“And masturbation is actuallyhealthyfor you,” he announced.

Iwould’vestarted to accuse him of mansplaining at this point, but he was honestly too eager with childlike enthusiasm to be in any way condescending or patronizing with his explanation. So I simply answered, “You don’t say.”

“Hell, yeah. For one thing, orgasms can increase pain tolerance. I mean, no way are you thinking about that toothache you have when you’re in the middle of coming, am I right?” He nudged his elbow my way until I nodded to agree.


“And they increase immunity by releasing feel-good hormones, plus help us go to sleep easier while decreasing stress and bad moods.”

“Wow.” Lifting my eyebrows, I glanced down at the plastic clit in his hand and nodded in approval. Bending closer to it, I returned my attention to Keene. “Well, I’m sold. Where can I get me one of these suckers?”

Keene shook his finger as if I was being naughty. “No, the question is where canIget one.” Then, he jerked his expressive eyebrows up in invitation and sent me a flirty grin. “You wouldn’t want to be a pal and lend me yours for a night, would you?”

My mouth dropped open in surprise as I straightened. “Are you serious?” When I glanced at Damien to make sure he’d just heard this, he was already looking up from his phone with lifted eyebrows.

“Excuse me?” he demanded. “I don’t fucking think so.”

The good news was that he seemed as flummoxed and unimpressed by the question as I was, which meant…whew. At least he hadn’t brought me here, thinking he could just pass me around to all his roommates.

When I turned back to Keene, he’d lifted a hand to block Damien from his peripheral vision. “Hey. I was addressing the lady,” he scolded before he pressed a hand to his chest as if being sincere. Then, to me, he added, “I promise to take the utmost care of it, I swear.”

I shook my head slowly. “I cannot believe you spent all that time researching the clitoris just to segue it into a cheesy pick-up line.”

“Hey!” he cried, offended. “It wasn’t cheesy.”

“It was totally cheesy,” Alec seemed more than eager to inform him.

Keene scowled his way before turning back to me. “And that’s not why I did all the research. The female reproductive system is my specialty.”

I snickered. “Obviously.”

He huffed out an impatient breath. “Imean, occupation-wise. I’m a nursing major and want to work my way up to becoming an OB-GYN someday.”


“My mom died because of an STD, so women’s health is kind of a big deal to me.”

“Holy shit,” I blurted, suddenly remembering Damien mentioning something like that about one of his friends. He’d been talking aboutKeene. Touching his arm, I melted with sympathy. “I’m so sorry.”

“Eh.” He made a dismissive sound as if trying not to appear too depressed about losing a parent, but I could see in his eyes, it still bothered him. “It was back when I was nine, so I’m okay now.”

“Still,” I said, pulling him in for a hug. “You poor thing.”

Near us, Alec spoke up, “My dad died when I was eight.”

“What the hell, guys?” I cried. “You’vebothlost a parent?” I let go of Keene so I could pull Alec into a comforting embrace next. “That’s so sad.”

As soon as I stepped back from Alec, both he and Keene lifted their eyebrows toward Damien in silent challenge.