Page 67 of Vacancy

“Is this your sister?” I glanced at Alec, and he glowed proudly, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Yep. That’s Hope.”

“Are you twins?” I asked, thinking it would be weird for two roommates—both Alec and Damien—to have twin sisters.

But Alec waved a dismissive hand. “Nah. She’s thirteen months older than me. Plus, we have different moms.”

“Oh…” Definitely not twins, then. I set the picture down and realized the rest of the shelf was filled with old DVDs, not books.

“Wow. There’s more movies here than you can shake a stick at.”

As I ran my fingers along the various titles, Alec stepped up beside me. “Those are mine, too. I’m a bit of a movie geek.”

“I’ll say.”

He had eclectic taste, from classics to modern-day horrors, cheesy comedies, superhero action adventures, Academy Award winners, tear-jerkers, musicals, dramas, and even some independent films I’d never heard of.

At the stairs, Keene dashed up from the bottom part of the house, only to grip the banister and swing around to rush up to the second floor, palming something box-shaped in his hand that I couldn’t make out.

“Yeah,” Alec went on, shoving his hands in his pockets as if nervous. “I want to be on a film set someday and make movies.” Lifting his hand, he sang, “Producer. Which is why my college major is film production.”

“Seriously?” I asked with interest. “Hey, do you think you could film a mock-up news report for me sometime to add to a resume portfolio? I’m a journalism major in broadcasting.”

“No way!” Alec cried. “Ofcourse, I could. That’s exactly the kind of shit I live for. And not to brag or anything,” he added, leaning closer to drop his voice. “But I’ve seen the camerawork your guys do over there, and they don’t have anything on me. I could edit a segment for you like you wouldn’t believe.”

I laughed and squeezed his arm gratefully. “That would be perfect. Here. Let me get your number, and we’ll set something up sometime.”

Damien entered the living room just as I made the offer.

He slowed to a stop, eyebrows lifting in question as he watched Alec accept my phone and begin to plug in his digits.

“You’ll never guess what!” I burst out, flying forward to give him an excited hug. “Alec’s going to film a mock-up news report of me. If I could get this in front of my professor, I just know she’d finally let me have my own segment.”

“Dammit, is Younger showing off his video collection again?” a winded Keene demanded as he appeared back down the stairs to join us. “Yapping on about his theory that you can tell how compatible people are by their taste in movies?”

“Hey! That’s asoundtheory,” Alec growled as he returned my phone to me. When I lifted my brows questioningly between them, he explained, “I saw a study about someone predicting the likelihood of whether different couples would stay together based on various factors. And sense of humor was a major indicator. If two people think the same things are funny or inappropriate, they have a better chance of sustaining their relationship. So I just think you can apply that tomoviepreferences as well. Here…”

He frowned at his collection thoughtfully before reaching out and piling three DVDs into his arms. “If I said these were your three options of what to watch tonight, what would you pick?”

“Shit, Alec!” Keene blurted in dismay. “Really?”

When I glanced over, surprised by his tone, I found that his eyes were wide with worry before he cast a hesitant glance toward Damien.

I looked over as well, only to find Damien sending Alec an unamused scowl.

“Oh no,” I groaned. “One of these is your favorite movie, isn’t it? Or least favorite?” I asked Damien after a moment of taking in the fact that he lookedverydispleased.

I spun back to Alec, low-key panicking. “Now I feel pressured.”

“Ignore Damien,” Alec said, swiping out a hand. “This is about you. Which one appeals the most toyou? And which one appeals the least?”

“I don’t…” I looked over the covers, only to wrinkle my nose. He’d picked outThe Grudge, the originalGhostbusters, andThe Sixth Sense. “So…ghosts are my only options?”

“I’m just trying to prove that the content doesn’t matter. It’s about what dispositions you’re inclined toward.”

“Oh. Okay.” That made sense. With a nod, I took in the movies with more thought. “Well,The Grudgeis immediately out. I don’t do scared.”

Keene snorted and bumped his elbow into Damien. “Neither does Archer here. Being scared makes him violent.”

I pulled back, instantly suspicious of the word. “Violent?”