Page 54 of Vacancy

“Well, that’s creepy,” I said.

Jay sent me a dry glance. “It’s not anabandonedapartment. People still lived there.”

“Oh.” I shrugged. “Well, I can’t go anyway,” I said as I typed out my regrets to Raina. “I gotta work that night and get the set ready for our Saturday morning monthly broadcast.”

Getting to report on the monthly, Saturday morning specials was the goal of every broadcasting student, since they were the only times we got to go on live air.

Jay sniffed. “Set up? When the hell are they going to take you off the set-up crew and put that gorgeous face in front of a camera already?”

“Dude, I know!” I said. “I’m trying.”

“I’m just saying,” she went on. “If they have any brains, they’ll give you a spot.”

I smiled fondly and fluttered my lashes at her. “And that’s why I love you.”

She smiled back and reached across the space between our two chairs until I reached back to squeeze her fingers.

“Thank you for today,” I told her when I let go. “I really needed this.”

“Anything for you, babe.”

With a happy sigh, I lifted my arms above my head to luxuriate in the fact that I was able to hog the whole chair to myself. I didn’t need some hot guy here to cuddle against, didn’t need his unique masculine scent in my nose, or his fingers idly running up and down the side of my arm. This was the fuckinglife.

“Seriously, why did you not talk me into this sooner?” I demanded with another moan.

Next to me, Jaylani sniffed acerbically. “Because Scarlett would’ve had a conniption.”

My eyebrows lifted in excitement because that wordwould’vesounded promising. “Does this mean she’s cool with menow?”

It would be so awesome if I’d finally managed to win over her girlfriend because I was always distinctly uncomfortable around Scarlett. It felt as if she’d been giving me the cold shoulder since I’d arrived in Westport.

But my best friend scoffed. “As if! She’s more intimidated by you now than ever.”

“What?Why?” I lifted my face, shocked because I’d been working my ass off to befriend her. Ripping off my shades to see better, I turned in my chair to scowl at Jay. “I moved out. I gave y’all space. I did everything right.”

“Doesn’t matter.” She shrugged as if fed up with the entire issue. “I swear, she’s convinced herself that I’m, like, in love with you or something.”

“Of course, you love me,” I uttered, blinking in confusion. “We’ve been best freaking friends since we were five.”

Jay sighed as if I didn’t understand. “Not that kind of love, sweetie.”

“Oh.” I groaned and rolled my eyes. “Eww, seriously? How can she not know better than that?”

“Uh… Probably because you’re gorgeous.” Jaylani blinked at me as ifIshould be the one to know better before she added, “I mean, you’re, like, way hotter than she is.”

“I am not!” I insisted, only to pause in my head and think that maybe I kind of was.

Not that any of that mattered.

“Plus, I’ve known you longer,” Jay was spieling on. “I share more confidential shit with you than I do her, and IguessI talk about you all the time, according to Scar. Oh, and, ugh, okay… The other day, I saw that guy again on campus, but I was with just her this time.”

I furrowed my brow. “What guy?”

“The elusive, mysterious one,” she said, widening her eyes at me. “You know… The dude who claimed to be your roommate’s brother.”

I sat up straighter. “You mean, Damien?”

God, even saying his name made my skin ripple with pleasure.