Page 13 of Vacancy

Seriously, though, where was shegoing? And at six-thirty in the freaking morning, too.

Ooh! Six-thirty. I was going to miss him.

Checking the time as I scampered off my stool, I caught my foot on the bottom rung and stumbled in my haste to make it to the window.

But I didn’t want to be late for the show.

I was still hopping on one foot and trying to catch my balance by the time I reached the glass, where I latched onto the curtains and pulled them open so I could peer out.

The best thing I’d discovered about living right on Bridleway was getting to see all the joggers each morning. All the glistening, male, half-dressed, and veryfitjoggers, to be specific.

I already had my favorite, too. And if he followed his usual morning schedule, he was going to run by my window any moment now.

Biting my lip, I craned my neck, searching…searching…until there!

Just like clockwork, here he came.

I released an adoring breath. But gawd… He was just beyond gorgeous.

Somewhere between six feet even and six-three and probably a hundred and eighty pounds—give or take—he appeared to have that perfect mesomorph body type with the wider shoulders, slimmer waist, and all-around model physique.

His skin was a dark golden tan. I couldn’t tell if the hint of swarthiness meant he had some Hispanic heritage running through his veins, like me, or if he just tanned that well.

Either way, it looked good on him.

Then again,everythinglooked good on him. Except maybe his gaudy shoes. They were these yellow and bright orange monstrosities that were probably super popular brands in the running world. But yikes…no.

He had trim ankles, muscular calves, and bulging thighs that made up for it, though. Except I barely got to see much of those glorious thighs because the hem of his shorts swallowed up most of them.

But I could deal with that because his shorts rode low and loose around his waist, and with his white shirt hanging from the back pocket of his shorts, his rock-hard abs were on full display.

A dark happy trail circled his belly button before disappearing down inside his waistband. And oh… My stomach quivered and thighs clenched as my gaze moved over his six-pack abs and up to his perfectly defined chest, which was chiseled with a light sprinkling of dark hair around his small, flat nipples.

I licked my lips as he paused at his normal turn-around spot right in front of my brownstone and lifted his arms to rest both hands on the back of his head as he walked in a small circle, showing me a perfectly rounded and pert ass before coming back around to display the front again as he took a moment to cool off.

This was just no fair. Even the dark thatch of hair in his armpits was a frigging turn-on. Maybe because it dwelled under a set of biceps that were curved to firm perfection, but I liked it. I liked how the muscles in his throat moved when he swallowed and how his strong jawline shifted as he opened his mouth to inhale, then curved his plush lips into an O when he exhaled again. I liked how his lashes rested on the tops of his cheekbones when he closed his eyes and how he lifted his face to the morning sunlight to soak in some Vitamin D.

I just…likedhim.

The dark hair on his head was straight, not quite military grade buzzed but close, and his beard was thick and fully grown in but equally short and trimmed. It made him appear very controlled and orderly, not letting much else about himself out.

An enigma, if you will, with a hooded gaze that watched other people pass but never engaged with them. No hello smiles, no bobbing of the head to acknowledge others, just scrutinizing watchfulness. And to me, that made him one hard, closed-off nut to crack.

But, boy, did that make me want to pop him open and learn everything there was to know.

As if hearing my brain work in overdrive, trying to figure him out, he glanced over and caught me standing in the window, ogling him.

And just like that, his entire demeanor changed. Dropping his arms from the top of his head, he straightened in surprise and blinked at me as if he were seeing a ghost.

“Oh shit,” I gasped and lurched away from the window, batting the curtains back into place and utterly mortified that my gawking ways had been exposed. Now I was never going to be able to spy on him unnoticed again; he’d always check to see if I was there.


Watching him had become my favorite morning pastime, too.

Grumbling to myself, I returned to the counter to clear away my breakfast and get ready for classes, already certain the rest of my day was ruined.

I moodily reached for my yogurt spoon when I heard a key in the lock at the front door.