Page 118 of Vacancy

Whatever answer the professor gave must’ve been bad because she barked out a harsh laugh. “Oh, well… Now who’s threatening whom? Look, asshole. You can’t do this to me. You promised…”

A sob echoed through the wood, making me press a hand to my throat.

Dropping her anger that quickly, Thalia’s voice broke as she pleaded, “Josh…please. I need it. I need it so bad; you have no idea.”

My brow furrowed in confusion. Well, that didn’t sound as much like a booty call as it did a drug addict trying to score her next buy.

Just what the hell kind of mess had Damien’s sister gotten herself into?

“No…” she sobbed before screeching, “Worthless dickhead,” and something—like her phone maybe—smacked against the wall near the door that I practically had my ear pressed against.

With a gasp, I reared back and heaved out a hard breath.

Inside the room, I heard Thalia crying.

Dammit. She was hurting. It no longer mattered what disaster she’d gotten tangled in, I couldn’t handle knowing she was in pain.

Fisting my hand briefly in indecision, I pressed my knuckles against my mouth before stepping forward and knocking softly on the door.

“Thalia?” I called gently. “You okay?”

In response, Carly Rae Jepsen blared abruptly from her room; her way of telling me to fuck off.

Well…alright, then.

I guess she didn’t want to talk about it.

Thoroughly iced out, I turned away and clomped to my room, miffed by her rejection.

I planned on telling Damien all about it, though. If Thalia was getting involved in something that could get her into trouble, I couldn’t keep this to myself.

Except he deserved a night out with the boys first.

I’d tell him in the morning.



The club was loud and crowded, and there was no Oaklynn in it.

I wasn’t impressed.

It was strange how fast she’d filled up my entire life. Not having her around made everything strangely…empty.

I was the second to arrive at our swanky private room, behind Parker. When the waitress he’d been flirting with turned as I walked in, asking me what I wanted to drink, I just wanted to spin right back around to go find my girlfriend.

“Just water, thanks,” I said, smiling faintly.

She nodded and left, only for Foster to replace her, blowing through the doorway with wide eyes.

“Y’all won’t believe this,” he started, pausing just inside the entrance. Bass pulsed through the walls in muffled waves as he announced, “I was just at the convenience store, filling up my truck on my way here.”

“Wow. Thatisa shocker,” Parker answered dryly.

Rolling his eyes, Foster otherwise ignored him and hurried forward. “And guess who I ran into there. Malena Ortiz.”

I lifted my eyebrows over the name. Because Malena was Nova’s mother, and Nova had been Thane’s steady girlfriend all the way through high school.