Page 41 of Vicious Slash


And so we fell together.



“Run, Beau!” I screamedat the top of my lungs as Nate caught the ball and pitched it toward the goal. The trajectory was good, but the length wasn’t right. Even the golden boy didn’t have the strength to score from the edge of his line.

But it didn’t matter because Beau was there, literally climbing on the backs of a Blackstone opponent to scoop the ball out of the air and hurl it for a flawless victory as the bell rang.

“WE WON!” Raleigh screamed.

She jumped up and down beside me, grabbing my wrist that was attached to our pompom and waving it madly.

We both cried and screamed and cheered along with the population of Rippton who turned out to get giddy when our boys pulled a championship run out of the hat absolutely flattening their rivals in the sort of victory the school paper would be writing about for years to come.

“Oh, my God. I thought my heart would stop,” I confessed, reaching for my bag.

“Mine too–ooooh!” Raleigh screamed as she was swept up in a pair of bulging, sweaty biceps.

Nate must have run our way the moment Beau scored the goal, and he plastered her to his front, kissing with tongue and slurping sounds and all the lovey dovey little things.

I grabbed her bag, too. “See you by the busses,” I yelled over the chatter of the crowd though I stood right next to them.

I followed the moving masses out of the stadium, grateful to push into a cleared space where I could breathe and not worry about toppling down the stairs and taking a hundred over entitled offspring with me.

“Running away, little Toy?” An unforgettable voice sent a shiver along my back.

I pivoted on my heel, facing him. “Congratulations. That was quite a show.” My voice came out all husky and raspy, and his lips tilted up in amusement.

He grabbed my hand, the one wearing his ring and pressed a hard kiss to it. “Glad you enjoyed it. Can I take you into the locker rooms and give you a different sort of show?” Beau’s hand slinked around my waist, pulling me into his chest.

Both my bag and Raleigh's bumped my back but I didn't protest. I couldn’t. His mouth closed over mine in the slow, sensuous sort of kiss no one ever associated with this man but me, and it was the style he excelled at.

“Two things. First, locker rooms, ew. I heard they stink. And are filthy.”

“Right on target then.”

He fisted my hair, forcing my head back and stared me down heedless of the people watching the show he put on, no longer afraid his father would rip me away. We’d been there and he won. Sort of. For now.

“Fuck it,” he growled and slammed his mouth over mine in a brutal kiss I felt to my turned up toes, letting him sweep me into my arms.

“Yoink.” Nate off loaded our bags from my shoulder as he passed. “Good luck in there, girl. It’s an acquired taste.”

“He’s determined!” I yelled back helplessly.

Beau laughed, his chest rumbling all sexy like. “I am.”

“Don’t you have after game stuff to do?”

“Don’t you want to be the sexy little Toy tied up in the corner, all on display, teasing the fuck out of those boys and knowing none of them, not once, will ever touch you, only me?” he said lowly, his erection digging into my hip.

I had to admit that held a lot of appeal but... “You gonna get me a gas mask? I hear that’s a thing,” I sassed him.

“Girl, you can hold your breath for four minutes. I’ve tested it personally. You’ll do fine. Plus, it’s required that I do off the rails crazy shit today.”

Oh, God. We really were doing this.