Page 38 of Vicious Slash

“Stay still, honey,” I murmured.

Sylvie’s eyes fluttered open, though they still steamed with tears, the whites showing in her terror. “Not again,” she mouthed.

If I hadn’t been ready to kill Brandon before, I sure as fuck was now.

“Nice and still.” I smiled gently, raising the gun, our eyes locked together, and pulled the trigger.

Brandon lurched forward, then keeled back, taking Sylvie with him. I lunged the last steps that separated us, folding my arms around her before Brandon’s body hit the cement, a neat, dark divot decorating his forehead.

Gives new meaning to asshole, Asshole.

Sylvie shook in my arms, and I clutched her tightly to me, feathering kisses across the top of her head.

“You’re okay, Sylvie. He’s not gonna hurt you, honey.”

“I thought he was going to kill you,” she sniffled, tears coating her cheeks.

The bastard had licked her face, taken the tears that belonged to me, and now he’d never take anything away ever again.

I kissed her cheeks, tasting her terror, and cradled her face in my hands. “You’re strong and beautiful and a survivor, Sylvie. Do you hear me?” I stared into her eyes hard. “And you’re mine.”

“I thought I already was yours,” she whispered through a shattered breath that tore at my heart.

“You are.” But not the way she thought.

“A sweet display, my son?” My father’s lone applause raised my head and transformed my blood to acid.

I knotted my hands behind Sylvie's head, sliding my signet off and sliding it onto her ring finger. Her brow puckered, and her lips parted but a hard look ensured her silence. I squeezed her hand, and pivoted on my heel to face the asshole that sired me.

“She’s mine,” I said evenly.

His face split into a broad smile. “A gift, yes? You present an easy target.” His greedy, glazed eyes feasted on the slice of Sylvie he could see beyond me and I stepped sideways to obscure his vision.

“She’s Untouchable,” I said firmly. “I won’t hesitate to kill you as well and be rid of the entire damn lot of you.” Venom coated my tongue in a bitter aftertaste as I spat the promise at my father.

His face lost its humor. “And what would you do then, hmm?” He watched me, this fragmented moment a crucial one between us.

He knew he wouldn’t live forever, and his main interest was in ensuring his empire continued on. Right now, all I wanted was to burn everything he ever touched to the ground and scatter his ashes over the wasteland I left behind.

But that truth wouldn’t get us out of the warehouse alive.

“I’d take everything you own,” I said in a low, dark voice, letting the rage inside me brew, “and reclaim it as though you never existed.” A pithy half-truth, but the stupid old bastard smiled.

“They cannot forget me. Not after what I've done.” A shitty boast, but the asshole was probably right.

“That’s fair,” I acknowledged. “But didn’t you always want to turn your father’s empire into your own?”

“Of course.” His gaze wandered over mine. “Should I look for a knife in the back then, my son?”

The gun in my hand weighed too little as I waited for the sniper's shot.

When nothing happened, I cocked my head to one side. “I’ll take time with her. Then I'll give you what you want.”

“Such a small penance. Don’t you want...more?”

I let the ghost of a dead smile tilt my lips. “I am not my brother.”

And I’m sure as fuck not you.