Page 33 of Vicious Slash



The meeting finishedtwenty minutes after it should have thanks to too many questions from Donovan, and even with those answered, that asshole held me up for another fifteen while I was desperate to get to the naked woman waiting in my suite.

I seriously regretted my lack of judgement in letting Nate go to his dorm nest fuck fest for his four month anniversary with Raleigh. It reeked of tacky, of high school, but fuck it, if one of us could be happy then I’d give my boy everything.

I figured Sylvie did the same with Raleigh, living the love life vicariously through her best friend. Because it sure as fuck wasn’t something I could ever provide for her on the regular.

It wasn’t like I'd be able to give what she needed anytime soon. Seeing her cry on my lap last week when Donovan–yet again–busted into my room ripped at the heart I closed off long ago. But Sylvie did a little digging and excavated the blackened thing, fitting it back in my chest and making it pump again.

A shitty metaphor for the girl I loved, but if I couldn’t tell her, and had to risk others playing with her, using her...then it was better left out of my chest before I ripped out a throat I’d regret.

Not Donovan. He was fast hitting the top of my shit list, and that was a bad, bad place to be.

“Okay, we done here? I gotta piss.” I snapped the leather minutes book in Donovan's face, wishing I could plant my fist there but I needed a better reason than him being an annoying shithead. Or maybe I didn't.

“Yeah, yeah, man.” Donvan held up a hand for a high five.

I walked past him and he booed beneath his breath. Ignoring the petty bullshit, I took the stairs two at a time and pushed my door open to a dark, empty room.

“Sylvie?” I flicked on the light and found no one on my bed, or in the bathroom. Gritting my teeth I pulled my phone out and flipped it over in my hand, finally settling on wording that couldn’t possibly be misconstrued. Right?

Beau:What happened?

Nothing. No three dots, though I saw the message was delivered but not that she saw it.

Frowning, I hovered my finger over thecallbutton, then pressed it.

Her phone rang under my desk.

Swearing softly I yanked my chair out, the one where she’d sit with me, curled on my lap while I cuddled her under the facade of playing with her pretty body and demeaning her. There sat her blue leather bag, one she refused flat out to let me replace, right where I had her curl once, her head on my lap as I worked. I let her nuzzle the crotch of my jeans, forbidding her to touch herself or me further, just to tease the fuck outta both of us.

She should have been here.

She was here, and now she’s...gone.

My stomach doubled over on itself, bile rising into my throat. I knew instinctively what happened and only a soft, cocky as fuck voice stopped me from raining hell on the world, at least for now.

“You girl’s not here, huh?”