Page 31 of Vicious Slash

“Sounds like a damn good swap to me.”

“It is.” She smiled warmly at me. “So, Beau.”

“Yeah.” I watched her, waiting, but finally she stepped back.

“Is he hurting you?”

“Does tying my boobs up in purple rope count?” That had been last night’s color.

“He does that?” Her eyebrows rose.

I nodded. “Yeah, he likes bondage and serving and stuff. My knees get sore but he plays with me and it’s really intimate. Also lots of filthy and dirty and all things sexy as fuck. And orgasms,” I tacked on the end of my mini speech in case someone was listening to this room.

I knew Beau’s proclivity for checking the room for devices and eavesdroppers, and apparently that paranoia had passed on to me.

Oh, joy.

“So, not hurting you, giving you gotta give me a reason to hate the man on your behalf.” She got up in my face again so much that I giggled.

No, I really don’t want you to hate him.Because Beau Bennett had become my everything.

Then a thought flashed through my mind. “He um, lets randoms touch me.” I winced at the lie, knowing damn well he hated anyone else looking at me or touching me.

“He does huh? And are you okay with that?” Raleigh canted her head to one side.

“I mean, it’s part of our play agreement,” I hedged.

Oddly enough, Raleigh looked like she understood. “Don’t worry. Nate goes through plenty of overprotective bear moments where he’ll rip another dude apart for glancing at us or checking me out. I tend to flaunt the girls.” She wiggled her chest and her ample boobs swayed on cue.

I laughed outright. “I’ll have to remember that.”

“You do you, girl. Are you heading back after his meeting is over?”

I’d been kicked out of the Kingsman frat house, along with all the other girls, while Beau hosted manly frat bro duties and some meeting that couldn't wait. I was due back in little under half an hour, and would enjoy the sunset meander across campus.

“Yeah, I actually will. Gonna be lonely?”

“Nope, Nate will be here...” Three quick raps on the door broke Raleigh’s face into a broad grin. “About now. He got an early pass.”

“Hey, babe.” Nate wrapped himself around Raleigh in a dorm room PDA that made me blush...and I’d been down and dirty with the king of kink, for fuck’s sake.

I cleared my throat. “Still here.”

Raleigh flushed but Nate didn’t miss a beat, tugging her into his side where she fit like a piece of a puzzle neither knew he was missing. “Hey, Sylvie. How you been?” Nate’s gaze sharpened, and it was my turn to flush and fidget beneath his scrutiny. “Beau treating you good?”

“Yeah...” I was back in hedging land. Just get me shears and some Japanese Box plants and I’d make a pretty little square for myself to hide in.

“Do I need to knock some fucking sense into the boy?” He raised both eyebrows, his easy demeanor dropping in lieu of something much harder.

I swallowed. “No wonder you’re friends.”

“I swoon lots when he does that,” Raleigh not-so-stage whispered.

“Sassy girl.” He dropped a kiss on the top of her head and played with her fringe. “This is cute.”

“Yeah, annoyingly cute.” She swatted at him but only half-heartedly, grinning like a tool the entire time.

Actually the whole thing was way too cute. And it hurt my heartstrings again because I could never, not once, be like that with Beau.