Page 20 of Vicious Slash

No, that wasn’t quite right. Because Beau Bennett’s temper wascold.

But I wasn’t about to let that man go. What if I needed him again? In so many dirty, filthy ways and I knew he was all of those things. Everything that he could provide didn’t scratch the Beau shaped itch I developed the moment he wound me in just enough to tease me with something I suddenly needed so bad it hurt only to call it off.


I was such a pathetic glutton for punishment.

Even if I’d been the asshole inciting the beast with the mention of the brother I didn’t want anything to do with, that was such an obvious sore point.

Every dark, dirty, bad...and deadly inch of hm.

So many amazing inches.

My crush was outta control and I knew it. Worse, my roomie knew it.

She planted her behind and grabbed my wrist. “Don’t you dare.”

“What?” I went for innocent and failed. We both knew it.

“Nu-uh. You don’t go for that man. You find yourself a nice, lovely billionaire who doesn’t have homicidal tendencies. Who doesn’t— holllllyyyyy shit score goals like that,” she whispered, half-standing though no one called her out of the lack of social courtesy.

Because they were all watching him and Nate tag team it down the field to bring the game to a devastating close.

For the other team, that was, because Beau scored on the buzzer and Rippton erupted.

“Because he gives awesome orgasms?” I added helpfully as Raleigh sat on her butt, stunned.

The girl next to me giggled.

“Yeah, like that.” Raleigh still stared open mouthed.

“You should go congratulate Nate,” I murmured, collecting our pom pom and waving it above our heads when she didn’t.

Raleigh turned to me amongst the chaos that was Rippton celebrating our entry to the grand final. “Do you want him?”

I blinked. “Are you being serious right now?”

“Do. You. Want. Him?” She spelled it out for me, a fanatical gleam in her eye, giving me every chance to back out and deny my need.

I shook my head, despite my brain protesting this was a really fucking bad idea. “Yeah, you know I do.”


“Yes!” I yelled in her face, right as the crowd quietened.

Raleigh watched me carefully. “Sylvie?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

She stood suddenly and offered me her hand. “Come on. I know where they’ll be.”

She dragged me through the chattering and celebrating crowd who were already making plans for tonight. My stomach sank and did a little happy dance all at once. A win meant a frat party, and there was only one frat celebrating tonight.

A win meant a party at the Kingsman house, and Beau ran that place like his own personal privateer ship.

Time to glam it up again–this time with no Beau Bennet intervention.
