Page 18 of Vicious Slash

“I bought the damn thing,” he growled against my mouth, his kisses still unsettlingly slow.

I expected something more demanding from him, but he refused to give in to my efforts to hurry him the fuck up. But then also, he ripped the dress.

“I liked that dress,” I muttered to his deep laugh.

“I’ll design you a new one. A hundred of them. Wear them for me.”

“When?” I whispered. “You said we can't.”

He raised his head, pinning me with bottomless eyes. “I’ll find a way, Sylvie. I can’t–” His teeth ground audibly together. “Fuck it. You’re mine, and I’ll make it work.” He kissed me gently, when I expected hard, and I whined.

“Why can’t you lose control with me?” Tears pricked my eyes. “I want to get under your skin like you do mine.” Tonight was a night for uncomfortable truths, apparently.

“Because I’ll hurt you if I lose control.” He gripped my jaw in a firm hold, but softened his fingertips and I growled.

“What if I want it fast?”

“Then you’ll have to get it from the nearest man.” Beau shrugged, like his painful words meant nothing at all. “Try my driver. He might want to fuck you like that.”

I stilled beneath him and the first tear broke free, trailing my cheek to my ear as I lay beneath him, still loving the weight of him over my body. “You fucking arrogant bastard.” I banged his shoulder with my palm but only succeeded in hurting myself.Two can play...“Or maybe I can go back to your brother,” I said sweetly.

Beau stared at me for a too-long moment, absolutely zero emotion crossing his face. Finally, his lips turned up. “That’s fine.” He levered himself off my body, taking away the pleasurable pressure I needed as a barrier between me and the world and fixed his shirt, staring straight ahead.

“What?” I stared at his profile, perfect and still, like a classical sculpture. “That’s it?”

“That’s it.” Beau didn’t bother to look at me.

“You kiss me like you were about to make love to me, after you’ve spent nights by my hospital bed, because you killed a man for a reason I didn't understand, and now when you say something with intent to hurt, and I return the favor, you’re done. Did I miss anything?”


Damnit. I knew better than to ask him closed ended questions.

I sat beside him, leaving a space that hadn’t been there before. “I shouldn’t have mentioned your brother, but throwing me off because I want something you don’t is just totally assholic.” I wet my lips. “And you could have just said no.”

“I could.”


And what I thought was going to be a rough, hard fuck session turned into a weird truce that nearly broke me for not looking at him for the rest of the drive. He straightened when the car pulled up at my building, shrugging his jacket off, but I held up a hand.

“I got it.” I pulled a safety pin from my clutch and worked it just above my hip, closing the dress together. It might not be the best fixit job in history but it hid my vee-jay and right now that was what mattered. “I’ll have the dress returned to you. And the shoes.” That must have been worth enough to clear my father’s worst debts.

Beau actually broke character to glance sideways at me. “That’s not necessary.” The soft note in his voice was laden with more regrets, and a touch of hesitancy, like this was new ground for him.

Not me. I’d been in my share of shirty, abusive relationships, and though Beau was different, I never expected him to be like this.

“Actually I do. Sort your shit, Beau. Then come back to me. Maybe I’ll listen. But I won't wait.” I fluffed the skirts of the stunning, torn dress enough to step out of the car when the door opened seemingly on its own. I nodded to his driver. “I’m sorry for anything you had to deal with tonight,” I told him, clasping my clutch. “And I’m sorry if I’ve put him in a bad mood.”

The man’s harsh facade broke into an easy smile. “It’s nothing I’m not used to from the Bennett men, ma’am.” He inclined his head and I reached out and hugged him.

“Don’t let him hurt himself, please?” I whispered while Beau cursed up a storm in the back seat.

His driver drew back, smothering a beaming smile we both knew he couldn't be seen wearing. “Yes, ma’am.”

I grinned for both of us and ran lightly to the building. It wasn’t until I hit the stairs inside that I realised I hadn’t heard the limo door close.

Beau watched me run all the way to my dorm, and the car was still in the parking lot when I glanced out the window to wave at his driver. Only then did it pull away, leaving me with a snoring housemate, a torn dress and totally, utterly confused.