Page 15 of Vicious Slash

Sylvie’s pretty bare pussy slid the length of my cock until her thighs pressed to my slacks where they hung open.

“I thought you’d condom up.” She tossed her magnificent head again. “I’m clean, and I’ve got the implant.”

“Might have to get you off that,” I muttered, the crazy idea of filling her with my seed taking hold. “Be a good,” I licked my lips, knowing she expected me to degrade her but I couldn't, not like this. “Be a good date for me and hold the fuck on, honey.”

I gripped her hips, rolling mine so I thrust into her and out in a long, continuous flux, sliding deep and hard, then withdrawing gently from her to do it all again.

She shuddered on top of me, her pussy clamping down within minutes, her need dripping along my shaft. I might get her to lick herself off me later, back in the limo, but for now...I craved seeing her messy and begging for her release.

“Beau,” she cried, fisting my shirt.

I closed my fingers around her ass, a perfectly plump cheek in each hand, digging my fingers in enough she’d bear my marks for the next week, even if no one else could see them. A sense of possessiveness I couldn’t afford swept over me as I rocked into her, teasing her body until she screamed softly, raking my chest through my shirt with her nails and fell forward onto me.

“It’s okay, honey. I got you,” I murmured, still rolling my hips and dragging her down onto me, bottoming out again and again.

She whimpered against my chest, tugging at the buttons on my shirt until one popped free, then she licked my skin, sucking up each drop of sweat.

I freed a hand to slide beneath her hair–how bad I wanted to fuck up her perfect facade scared me–and held her there. “Lick, honey. Be my good girl, Sylvie.”

Her whimpers primed my orgasm and I hissed through gritted teeth, swelling inside her tight walls that hugged my cock, milking me with every thrust until I creamed her pussy, filling her to the brim.

My chest heaved as I came down from my high, squeezing her against me. “I want to be cruel and make you walk around the party looking like you’ve just been fucked with my seed dripping down your legs, but I think we should go, honey. The nice man who extended tonight’s invitation won’t appreciate the dead body on his Afghan.”

Sylvie lifted her head, her eyes a little wild. “You’d do that to me?”

I laughed, the sound too loud after our silence and soothing breaths. “That’s what you heard, huh?” Someone had an inner slut I desperately wanted to tease out to play but tonight was meant for other things.

“Come on.” I slid her to one side and fixed myself up, then rose, pretending my legs didn’t shake from the earth shattering orgasm I experienced bare inside her–something I never fucking did–and helped straighten her dress and hair as best I could.

I might want to humiliate her, but that would be best done in private where I was the only front row seat to see her descend to the beautiful pleasures I could give her, and for my eyes only.

No other man would get to see her like that.

Not one.

She shivered as I slipped my jacket off and draped it over her shoulders, fluffing her hair around it. Her makeup was perfect, but there was no hiding those kiss bitten lips. Still, I had a reputation to uphold, and she’d look like any other girl I fucked and cared nothing for.


She looked exactly how I needed her to look tonight in front of the men reporting to my father.

I caught her hand and drew her from the house, reaching the limo just as the first screams started.

“Good timing, sir.” My driver, Peterson, restarted the engine and pulled away before the call to the police went through to the radio at his side.

“Drive. Don’t stop,” I said.

He caught my eye, gave a slow nod, and raised the divider.