"Sort of smells like beef stew," I say, steering my dirty thoughts out of the gutter.
I never figured myself attracted to the bad-boy type. I always pictured myself married to the goofy nerd type with glasses. Someone safe and kind with a sense of humor.
Mordox is more than bad. He's an escaped convict living on a prison moon. A dangerous predator who looks ready to take a bite out of me, yet there's something darkly alluring about him that flips my trigger.
"Sit." Mordox's heavy timbre rumbles through me. "Eat." He sets a steaming bowl on the table and slides over a stool for me to sit.
Glad for the distraction, I take a seat and wonder what has gotten into me. I should be petrified all alone with a dangerous criminal not pondering what his alien cock, forming a thick ridge down his thigh, would feel like rupturing my hymen.
Mordox sets an eating utensil down next to my bowl and moves back to the pot of stew to fill one of his own.
I moan around my first bite of stew, noticing how Mordox's muscles tighten in my periphery. This is a bad habit in need of breaking if I'm going to leave here with my virginity intact. I know all it will take is one simple touch and I'll be his for the taking. The coiled ache in my belly is begging to be eased.
"You said this place is up in a tree?" I squint at the tightly woven vines and branches making up the spherical room, but all I see are leaves and filtered sunlight. "How did you get all this stuff up here?"
"Pulley system attached to a platform," Mordox answers around a bite of food.
"You want to sit at the table?" I scoot over to make room, feeling bad that he's eating standing up.
"You're sitting on the only stool." He bobs his chin at me. "Don't normally welcome visitors."
"I guess not since this is your hideout, what with you being an escaped convict and all." I freeze the second my mouth runs away with itself. "Sorry. That was a rude thing to say."
Mordox grins and I instantly calm. "I didn't exactly escape as much as I was unexpectedly released."
My boldness increases with the gentleness of his tone. "Now I'm even more curious about you."
"What do you want to know, lula? Ask me anything."
I eat a couple more bites of the delicious stew and contemplate which question out of the many banging around inside my skull to ask first. "Stacy said you were dangerous. Is that true?"
"Yes." I jerk from his quick, decisive response. "I served in the Ziarian military as a warrior until I was chosen to become a Lita Comtra, a warrior elite, to serve the Ambassador."
"What does that mean?"
"I was specially trained in the art of unconventional warfare," he says, pride lacing his words. "Lita Comtras are assigned special missions to protect and serve Ziaria. It is the highest honor for a warrior to be chosen for such an elite group."
"You're a war hero then?" I cock my head at him. "What did you do to get sent here?"
"Discovered something I wasn't supposed to know." Mordox’s face drops into a hard mask. "I know every government has its share of corruption, but I was shocked by how pervasive it had become in my own."
Mordox finishes off his bowl of stew with a faraway gaze. I keep quiet while he's lost inside his own head, hoping he will keep talking. This guy is dangerous, but not for the reason I thought. My curiosity is on fire with wanting to know his story.
"Ziaria was on the brink of war with our neighboring planet, Crix. Their warriors outnumber ours five to one," Mordox begins. "I had just returned from a covert mission when I overheard a conversation between Ambassador Kret and General Deose that I simply could not believe.
"A male by the name of Draxon had just been arrested for breaking into the Ambassador's temple and downloading restricted files from the Governor's mainframe. Files that held plans for a remote prison on Zune and the reason for its secrecy, which had nothing to do with mining xedon and everything to do with genetic experiments to alter our own people. To even the odds of winning the war, they hoped to create super warriors. Genetic altering is illegal on Ziaria. A crime punishable by death."
"You're innocent, the same as Drax?"
"If you mean Draxon, then no, not the same as Drax. He's a cyber-terrorist for hire. Nothing that male has done has ever been innocent."
"So you got caught eavesdropping and they sent you here?"
"Yes, and placed me in solitary, away from all the other prisoners, so I couldn't talk," Mordox explains. "Lies of horrific crimes I never committed were fabricated to justify my life sentence."
"How did you get free of the prison?"
"When we first arrived, two groups of ten males were taken, one group at a time, to mine the xedon, but they never returned. The guards told us mining accidents had taken their lives. We'd only been here a few months when lockdown ended and the luminetric barriers disengaged and all the prisoners, except for me, were free to leave their cell pods and gather in the common area for the first meal of the cycle. It was then discovered the guards had abandoned us.