She presses the button and a loud hiss echoes throughout the ship as the head is launched into space. We watch through one of many portholes dotting the corridor as the stasis cube drifts away, growing smaller until it's just a speck in the distance before disappearing completely.

"A fitting end for a most despicable male."

"Agreed." Cora takes a deep breath and we return to our seats. "Let's go home."

A moment of peace passes between us before the proximity alarm blares through the calm of the cockpit. With a flick of my fingers across the scanner, I zoom in on the approaching craft.

"Bliking dund!" I curse. One enemy taken out only for another to take its place. "That's a Wetokian Battle Cruiser."

The ship is massive, one of the largest in the Universe. The hold designed to transport many Wetokian Destroyers at once. A dull black, it blots out the twinkling galaxies in the distance as it consumes the viewport.

"Strap in, Cora. He's right on top of us. I'm going to try and lose him." I quickly maneuver my ship away from the battle cruiser, taking evasive action and performing a series of barrel rolls in an attempt to put enough distance between us and them to engage the hyper-drive.

The ship rocks and lurches as I twist and turn, but before I can hit the hyper-drive, a concussion beam shoots out, blasting through the ship with a booming echo that kills all the power and knocks us both unconscious.

Not even my sivot is given time to react.

* * *


I wake to a foul odor. My eyes flutter open to a blurry scene before me, and I groan as the stench of rotten garbage and machine oil fills my nose. I look around, fighting to recall how I got here.

Where is here?

And where is Navik?

My head throbs as the pain intensifies, pounding in time to the guttural voices arguing among themselves in the distance. I reach up to rub a shaky hand at my temple, squinting to help focus my eyes. With each lethargic blink, the room comes more into view.

I'm alone in a large chamber with metal walls and several large boxes haphazardly strewn about. The perforated floor is hard and unforgiving where I lay. I shield my eyes with my hands against the dingy overhead lighting which sheds no warmth on the space.

The arguing grows louder and suddenly two quill-covered, monstrous creatures with tusks step into the room. Flesh a vile grayish green, I know without a doubt what they are.


I saw images of them on Warden Hyt's monitors when he was searching for a worthy opponent to pit against the Berserker in the arena. One that would be sure to come out the victor.

Word was quickly spreading that Warden Hyt was running unfair fights because of the Berserker's winning streak. He needed to prove that the warrior of Valose could be beaten before his unsavory reputation as a fraudster became firmly established and ticket sales plummeted.

"I am commander on this vessel, Grot!" I scramble away from the approaching Wetokian who reaches down and grabs me roughly by the ankle. "I make use of the human's cunt first."

I struggle to get free as he drags me across the floor. My skin sticks and pulls on the metal surface, but I freeze when his words register.

My whole body goes numb. I can't stop the conversation between the warden and his guards from replaying inside my head about which females should be sacrificed as potential prizes for the Wetokian. One would be chosen as a prize once he won against the Berserker in the arena.

Spikes on the ends of the Wetokian's cock would shred whichever female he chose to pieces. Only the most broken and used among the group of females would be considered, none of the new arrivals would be sacrificed.

"I was the one who located the Star Maverick's ship, Krut," Grot argues, making a grab for my wrist. "I should be the one to bloody my cock first. You can have what's left of her when I'm finished."

My heart slams against my rib cage. Like a human tug-of-war, I'm pulled and yanked between the two Wetokians. Neither willing to let go as they fight over who gets to rape me first. I struggle to breathe, feeling as if I'll be ripped in two.

A deafening roar rings out and the males stop their tugging. All eyes turn to the open door where it sounds as if a war has erupted.

I grin.

I would know that roar anywhere. Navik is here and his sivot is pissed.

"Cora!" bellows the sivot. "Cora! Where are you?"