The water in the pot starts to boil, and I quickly rehydrate the dried tubers before searing them in a pan over an open flame. I rehydrate the sliced fruits and put them in bowls before pouring hot water into the mugs for the leaves to steep.

Cora stirs as I enter, and I place the tray of food between us on the bed. She sits up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, and I hand her a mug of steaming tea.

"It smells amazing, Navik," she says, tucking her hair behind her ears.

The sight of her beaming smile tightens my chest. It's daunting the level of emotion she stirs within me. I study her face, committing the sight of her alien beauty to memory. When I return her home, it will be all I have left of my starfire.

I know by the hollow ache swelling within me that the betrayal of my past will be but a pinprick compared to the gutting I will have to endure once she's gone from my life.

"You okay, Navik?" Cora's hand settles over mine. "You look like you've lost your best friend."

Worse. Not my best friend, but my mate. "I'm fine. Eat before your food gets cold."

As she digs into her meal, I can't help but feel a sense of pride at her enjoyment. It's a simple gesture, but providing for her brings me a unique sense of fulfillment. Even my sivot hums with contentment.

"What is this drink called?" Cora sips at the steeped brew. "It's like green tea on Earth."

"Dried Nubi leaves," I say, around a bite of seared tubers.

"It's really good." Cora sets the steaming cup down and scoops up a bite of tubers. "And this?"


"Mmm..." Cora moans around her first bite. Her eyes close as she savors the flavor. "It's like hash browns." At the slight shake of my head, she elaborates, "Shredded potatoes. They're a root vegetable."

I watch her eat, a somber weight settling around me knowing our time together is limited. I try to push the thought out of my mind and live in the moment.

Cora is beautiful in the early morning light, her hair cascading down her back in loose waves. What time we do have together must be savored, not wasted on what tomorrow might bring.

"We should go for a walk after this. Collect more Nubi leaves. I can show you how to prepare them to dry in the sun." A knife twists behind my sternum knowing by the time the leaves are dried enough to brew, she will already be home on Earth.

"Is it safe outside of your cave?"

"Perfectly," I say. "There's no one else on Zeva except the two of us. Nothing will harm you here."

"I would love to go exploring on your world." Her gray eyes glint with excitement.

"We'll pack a meal," I add, knowing the perfect trail where I want to take her. "Make a day of it."

"I can't wait."

We finish our meal in companionable silence, and I take the tray back to the galley while Cora riffles through the basket of fabrics to create a new garment. I pack a lunch of dried meat and water, knowing Cora will enjoy collecting fresh fruits and vegetables that grow along the trail.

Zeva is plentiful with native fruits and vegetables, from the sweetest citris to the juiciest berries. I even know of a few wildflower patches that I have no doubt Cora will love.

"Ready?" I ask, slinging the pack over my shoulder and offering Cora my hand.

She places her hand in mine. Her skin is warm and soft against my rough palm. The contact sends a jolt of electricity up my arm.

The path ahead unfurls before us like a golden ribbon, meandering through the lush, verdant wilderness of Zeva. Rays of sunshine dance through the trees, casting patches of light among the vibrant foliage. The air is alive with the sweet aroma of wildflowers and the gentle hum of chirping birds as we wind our way down the mountain.

"Navik, this place is...incredible," Cora breathes, her steely gaze wide as she takes in the otherworldly beauty of my favorite walking trail.

"Zeva is a refuge," I admit, leading her deeper into the forest. "A place to escape the chaos and violence of my life." I gesture toward a cluster of glowing purple flowers, their petals trembling in the breeze. "Those are luminous, emitting a soft light at night. They look like tiny stars scattered across the ground."

Cora reaches out to touch one, marveling at how the delicate petals shimmer beneath her fingertips. "Amazing," she murmurs, the awe in her voice pulling at something deep within me.

As we continue our walk, I make a point to stop and show her the various plants and creatures that inhabit this secluded planet. The flora on Zeva is stunning, even more so than any other world I've ever visited. Vibrant flowers in every shade from rosy pink to blazing orange are scattered throughout the dense undergrowth.