The sivot churns just below the surface, excited and ready to take control. I'm afraid if I glance in her direction, he'll burst forth and ravish her right here and now.

I lick my lips. And what would be so wrong with ravishing her now? I set the ship to auto pilot as my sack grows heavy with clume. My eyes flash across the console for a clear spot to place her so I can step between her spread thighs and ease the ache of my thickening cock.

My sivot roars with approval, but I squelch him.

I clench my jaw, grinding my molars to dust. The beast undulates for release, but I ignore him. I won't be ruled by my newly awakened feral half, no matter how much he demands it. I will remain in control.

Cora is a human and not a Kaul female! I will rut her body, fill her with my clume. Not allow my knot to swell within her. Not spill my mating seed even if my sivot has already made that fatuous mistake.

"Navik!" she barks.

"Did you want something?" I ask, gruffly.

"To be flown back to Earth."

"Not in this ship." I strain to push the words out through gritted teeth, my cock a painful throb that demands attention. "I only dampened the Yulineon's tracker. Bought us some time until I find another vessel."

"Then wherearewe headed?"

"Tirius," I bark.

"Is that a planet?"


Does this female ever shut up? I squirm in discomfort from my painful arousal. Perhaps a good rutting will distract her from her endless barrage of questions.

"Can we get food there?" she asks. "I'm hungry."

"Demanding little thing, aren't you?" I grumble, making the mistake of turning my head to rake my eyes down her body.

The sheet wrapped across her body slips to display the swell of her full breasts. My gaze drops, skimming over her nipples that tighten, twin buds taunting me through the thin fabric. I can almost taste them on my tongue. Feel them against my palms.

My sivot howls. A wave of heat scorches through me, awakening a savage instinct to lay claim to the mate I must protect. My lips curl back in a snarl as I imagine tossing her up on the console and rutting her tight slit until her screams of pleasure fill the ship. I nearly cave to the sivot's rampant lust.

Is she deliberately trying to tease the beast from me?

"Come with me," I bark, grabbing her by the wrist and exiting the bridge.

Down the narrow corridor, Cora stumbles along behind me to keep pace with my angry strides. My cock throbs inside my pants that squeeze with a painful pinch, pressing a relentless erection against my stomach.

What makes Cora's cunt so special?

No female has ever had a lasting effect on me. One hard rutting, and I was done, ready to move on to the next sodden slit. It must be the sivot, the ancient bonding of beast to mate that makes me crave the gash between her creamy thighs.

"Where are you dragging me?" Cora tugs at my arm, trying to free her wrist from my bruising grasp.

"To feed your mouth, so you'll stop talking," I snarl, pulling her behind me to the galley. "Unless you'd rather I feed your cunt."

We enter the room and I release her. "This is the galley." I gesture to a panel embedded in the wall above the counter. "That’s a replicator. You can use it to create any meal you wish."

I step closer to her as she examines the replicator, the heat from her delectable body a temptation I almost can’t resist. My hand reaches out, ready to snatch the sheet from her body. Toss her up on the counter and make a meal out of her.

Instead, my fingers move over the controls of the replicator as I demonstrate how it works. My gaze drops to her lips, and I can almost taste their sweetness. It would be a simple move to lean down and capture her mouth with mine. To delve my tongue between her plump lips and know her taste. Capture her moans of pleasure as my knot locks her down tight on my throbbing member.

"Anything I want?" Soft gray eyes drift up to meet mine.

The longing in her voice deflates my erection and pierces me with a familiar pang I wished to never feel again.