Page 18 of Sweet Ruin

“I don’t blush,” my voice is close to an incredulous shriek which is not unbecoming at all.

Okay, it totally is.

“You’re also practically glowing,” he points out, not taking my hint to let the whole thing drop.

“I’m just glad to be home.” I wave my hand dismissively as I try and brush off his words.

“Uh huh, sure,” he holds the word out. He leans into me again, almost too close for comfort. “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything, but don’t keep hiding it. If Declan finds out without one of you telling him, the fallout will be worse.”

I nod mutely because I know what he’s saying is true. I sigh and smile. Ronan’s advice is coming from a good place. He’s trying to protect me and Declan.

“I’ll keep that in mind, hypothetically, of course,” I sass him.

Ronan laughs again and then before I know what’s going on, he’s got me wrapped up in his arms. He’s always given great hugs.

“I’m glad you’re home,” he whispers against the crown of my head, where he places a kiss before releasing me. “Looks like I need a refill,” he shakes his beer bottle at me and winks, “we’ll catch up more later.”

I roll my eyes and barely stop myself from sticking my tongue out at him. “Maybe you’ve had enough. It must be why you’re seeing things that aren’t there.”

“We can go with that if you’d prefer,” he throws over his shoulder as he heads toward the bar set-up on the other side of the room. He even gives Conor a jaunty as fuck little wave as he walks, all while sporting a huge fucking smile.

The man must have a death wish. Ronan has always been a little unhinged, but this is a whole new look for him. Conor’s glaring at the man and if he could eviscerate him with his mind, I have no doubt Ronan’s guts would be dancing across the floor.

I glance around again and don’t notice the guy, Jamie, I saw earlier. It’s right there, but I know if I force it then it’ll never come. Maybe it doesn’t matter, and my mind is just playing tricks on me.

Declan is talking with a few people, Roisin tucked into his side, and I find myself smiling. His face is serious, which isn’t new considering he’s around people who work for him, but there’s a lightness in his eyes I’ve never seen before.

Love did that for him.

I slip away from the party and head toward the bathroom, needing a moment to myself after my conversation with Ronan. Is it so obvious that something has happened? It’s not like the man has stopped looking at me all night. He’s not subtle at all.

Was everyone aware I had a crush on Conor? That’s embarrassing as hell. I thought I had kept it to myself, but Conor saw it and so did Ronan. Did Declan?

I’m about to enter the private bathroom near Declan and Conor’s offices, when I’m gently pushed from behind into the room. I spin around so fast I nearly trip over my own feet as my heart pounds in my chest. Knowing you’re in a room full of people you’re safe with doesn’t stop the flight or fight response in my body.

“Conor,” I gasp and press a hand to my chest when I register the man that I’ve always loved is looming above me with fire in his eyes and possession screaming from the way he’s holding himself. “What are you doing?”

He leans back against the door, the pose screaming casual even though nothing else about him is. There’s nothing putting me at ease with the way he’s looking at me.

I find myself backing up and he barks, “Don’t move.”

My entire body freezes with his command and my eyes widen even further. He starts to stalk toward me slowly, using the small space in the room to his full advantage. I want to step back, but I can’t.

“I’ve been watching you all night,mo bhanphrionsa,” his voice is rough and sends a shiver down my spine.

“I know.” I lick my lips and try to rid myself of my suddenly dry mouth. “I’ve felt your eyes on me all night.”

“Then you know I was watching as you joked and laughed with Ronan. It looked very cozy between you two,” he growls.

My mouth falls open as he stands toe to toe with me, and my feet can finally move. I take a step back, but he matches me until I’m pressed back against the wall.

“You can’t be serious,” I admonish him. “I’ve known Ronan my entire life. You know how he is. He’s a jokester unless he isn’t.”

“Don’t care,” Conor snarls.

I’m not sure if Ishouldbe scared, but I’m not. I know Conor would never hurt me. He’d rather die.

The way he’s looking at me, like I’m his prey, has my thighs squeezing together to try and alleviate some of the ache. No one has ever looked at me the way Conor is looking at me right now.