Page 48 of The Wrong Proposal

BTW I’ll send you the codes to park your car in the garage. There’s a different code to the door.

He’s sending me all his codes.

Shit! He had a Lamborghini parked there the other day. What if I hit it?


I look up. Hugh only ever calls me Penelope if he’s concerned or mad at me.

“What’s going on?”

“Um… Franklin just sent me the codes to his Malibu house.”

He slides off my desk and leans over with two arms on the table. “Shut the front door.”

I laugh. “He wants me to do some work for him,” I say in a quieter voice. “It will be on weekends so as not to clash with my work here.”

“Like a friend helping a friend?” he asks cautiously.

“Right.” Hugh is staring at me, and I know what he’s thinking.

“A business decision?”


Hugh stands. “What are you doing tonight?”

I let out a sigh. “I don’t want to stay there on my own. So I’ll go in the morning and check it out again.”

“He won’t be there?”

I shake my head. “Franklin’s in San Fran.”

“And that’s why he gave you the codes?”


Hugh undoes the top button of his yellow shirt and pulls off his emerald tie. He always dresses in color, and most of the time, I look bland standing beside him. “I think we should order pizza and come to yours tonight. We need to have a private discussion.”

“Hugh, I really am fine.”

* * *

Two hours later,we are sitting at the small kitchen table in my tiny apartment. Lily and her boyfriend are out on a date night, so I have the apartment to myself so my friends and I can hang out together. Pizza boxes are spread over the dining table and counter. Hugh, Sienna, and Zara are here.

“Shall we watch a romance movie with a good meet-cute?” Sienna asks. “I’m in the mood—”

“No,” Zara and Hugh chime together.

“Sorry,” Zara says. She spins her glass on the table. “We haven’t chatted for ages, and I want to hear about Franklin.”

“There’s not much more to tell you. I don’t know what you want me to say?”

“I just want you to be careful,” Zara says.

“I know you guys care and think you’re looking out for me.” I acknowledge each of my friends before continuing, “Only I’m old and wise enough to know when I’m in over my head. Franklin and I like spending time together. He has offeredmethe contract to remodel his home as he said he likes giving people a chance.”

“It’s great, Penelope. Only he could afford the best stylist in California. Yet he chose you, and I don’t think it was about giving a new, upcoming designer a chance because we know he’s got the cash to hire high-end designers.”