Page 24 of The Wrong Proposal

There is seriousness in her expression I didn’t witness last night.

I push away thoughts of Penny and pull out my cell, tapping my assistant’s name, then wait for her to answer. “How long do we have?” I ask while walking away from the crowd.

“There are three other offers, and you have until close of business tomorrow.”

What was I thinking, taking days off midweek? “Have Paul draw up another offer. Add ten million. Our final offer. Any problems, call me back.”

“Will do.” My assistant clears her throat. “So, you were the best man. How did that surprise go down?”

“Surprisingly well.”

“Great. This trip has been good for you. Relax and have fun. Talk to you later, Franklin.”

I end the call before tapping on Jobe’s name. “What’s the offer?”

For the next half hour, I make calls back and forth about this damn basketball team until I receive a text saying the bridal group is about to make an entrance, so I make my way back to the foyer.

The guests are already seated in the dining area.

The music starts, and the bridesmaids walk ahead of me through the doors to clapping and cheering. Noah and Olivia follow, and the music is barely heard above the applause.

I turn to where Penny sat yesterday. Her friend is in the same seat, but there’s no Penny. Immediately, a pang of disappointment hits me. Only days ago, I would have been searching for Daphne, not a stranger who has made me smile.

Noah is seated on my left. “You’re up first for the best man’s speech.”

“Right.” I pull out a note of bullet points I thought of when I woke this morning after the disappointment of not waking beside Penny.

There’s a small podium, so I tap the mic. “Welcome to the celebration of love for Noah and Olivia. I’m Franklin Hendricks, and I have known Noah since college…”

Penny strolls into the room with a drink in her hand, and some guy is behind her. They whisper before returning to their seats. I’m watching her as she walks, annoyed that she’s late and is with a guy. She squeezes past Daphne’s chair, and Daphne turns, no doubt to see who I’m ogling.

I clear my throat to continue and glance over at Noah and Olivia, smiling as I talk about our college days. Olivia smacks Noah’s thigh in jest after one story, and he points a finger at me in warning. I would never cross a line because there’s a limit to the humor I will use to get a reaction from the audience.

I finish with how proud I am of my friend, saying I’m glad he found happiness with Olivia as she’s proven to be his forever love.

Olivia holds her hand over her heart and blows me a kiss.

When I take a seat, Noah taps my back in appreciation.

I stand along with Noah and Olivia. “Here’s to the bride and groom.” I raise my glass, the crowd responds, and drinks to salute my friends.

The entrée is served, and the guests’ glasses are refilled. It’s a chance to sneak a glance at Penny. She is staring at me with a serious, unreadable expression. If anyone should be pissed with the other, it’s me for not being truthful. I recognized her first and didn’t say anything.

Before the main meal is served, the bridesmaids speak on behalf of Olivia.

Plates of chicken and steak are served.

As I finish the last mouthful, my cell vibrates in my jacket pocket—a message from Hayley.

“I have to pop out for a while,” I tell Noah.

He rests a hand on my shoulder. “I understand, man. We all appreciate how busy you are, and I’m grateful you could be my best man.”

“My pleasure, my friend.”

“Just hang for another fifteen minutes or so.” He scans the crowd. “Have you spoken to Daph? Did she mention how miserable she is in Italy?”

“Yeah, but we only spoke briefly.” My jaw ticks, thinking about what she said to me. Now that I’ve seen her, I won’t simply fall at her feet. “I don’t recall her saying anything about being unhappy.” Indecisiveness is not being unhappy. She only mentioned regret.