Page 2 of The Wrong Proposal

“You used to eat pasta,” I remind Zara. We grew up together, and both left San Diego to go to college in LA. That’s where we met Hugh.

“When I was a teenager.” She rolls her eyes.

Hugh shakes his head. “Anyway, where should it happen?”

“I still think a restaurant,” Zara says. “Just make it intimate.”

Hugh stares at her deadpan. “I’d rather dine at my place. I want to arrive and have a setting that’s relaxed, alone, and neither of us has to do anything.”

I take a sip of my wine. “Relaxed? What about the beach?”

“Yes.” Zara’s brown eyes round. “Take a picnic basket and a blanket. That’s simple and romantic.”

Hugh’s shoulders rise and fall with a long sigh. “But how do I set it up?” he asks quietly.

“Have someone set it up for you.” I shrug. “It’s an easy solution.”

“Set what?” he prompts.

I tap my fingers on the table. “The blanket. But it needs to be modern and not just a basic picnic blanket. A small table. Cushions to sit on. Flowers set on a side table. A candle burning with a backdrop of the sunset and ocean.”

“And in the basket is wine, glasses, and appetizers ready to serve.” Zara grins at Hugh as though we have it worked out for him.

“And a sign in the sand with her name on it or the question already written for you.” I wink at him.

Hugh gives me his attention. “You’re so good at this… romantic ideas.”

I smile at Hugh. “It’s something I’ve always enjoyed… planning dates.” I planned so many fun dates for Bernard and me during our time together.

Hugh scratches at the five o’clock shadow along his jawline. “Could you set something like that up at Santa Monica Beach?”

“Me?” I choke on a piece of chicken. “There are companies who specialize in proposals.”

“But they don’t know me like you, Pen. You could personalize it for us. You know Sienna, and you’ve known me forever.”

For months, I have distanced myself from anything remotely romantic. “Anyone but me,” I murmur.

“I’ll pay you three hundred dollars and cover the cost of any props.” He doesn’t plead yet with the way he stares at me, he could soon be on his knees.

“Maybe I…”

“Yes.” Hugh smacks his hands on the table. “What about next Friday around five? I’ll take Sienna to the beach. After a short walk, we’ll casually stroll up to your amazing setup.”

I let out a long sigh. “Fine. But I want to source everything, and the weather must be ideal. Otherwise, you’ll need to postpone it.”

Zara bumps my shoulder. “Pen, you should consider a side business with your artistic flair.”

Sealing a couple’s fate with artistic skills is not on my radar since I’ve managed to mess up every relationship I’ve been in since high school.

Now, I hope my bad luck doesn’t rub off on Hugh.

* * *

As fate has it,the following Friday is nothing but blue skies and a faint breeze. Every prop is packed in the car.

When I arrive at Santa Monica Beach, I transfer everything to a small cart and wheel it down to a location away from the crowd. After unrolling the beige blanket, a color to blend with the soft sand, I give it a shake and allow it to float down like a cloud falling from the sky. A wooden table is centered on the blanket, and a round oak table is positioned in the sand by its side. Both are knee-high. I position the peonies and lilies—Sienna’s favorite—with strawberry-scented candles on the side table. Then, I place a string of pearls over a large clam shell on the corner of the blanket. Two large cushions are located on either side of the table for the couple to relax. I pitch a macrame half tent behind the table for an intimate feel. And aWill you be my forever?sign is on a long metal prong I push into the sand near the side table. I set the table for two, then place the picnic basket holding the food and drinks behind the table in the macrame tent backdrop. Dropping tiny candles in small glasses, I create a path leading from the table to the water. After I finish lighting the candles, I pull out my camera, capture the setting, and send a picture to Hugh with the caption,Ready when you are. Good luck!!

Now, to wait nearby to ensure no one else decides to claim the picnic.