Page 125 of The Wrong Proposal

I’m finding it harder to breathe.

“You said we needed to be honest. You also said I’d be lonely waiting for you to come home to me. I’m lonely now. So, so, I…” I swallow hard, “… I wanted to know if there is still a chance for us?” I end the call and groan loudly.

What the hell am I thinking, sounding so desperate for his love? It’s not the answer, and neither is confusing great sex with love.

Pushing up from the couch, I go to the window and gaze out to the darkening ocean.

My cell dings on the table behind me.

I don’t breathe when I see who it’s from.

Penny, it’s nice to hear your voice. I’m between meetings. I’ll try to get back for the wedding. We’ll talk then.

I clutch the cell phone to my chest and let out a sigh filled with hope.

He saidtry…

Stop being an idiot.

Nothing will change.

I’ll be lonely if I’m with Franklin or not.

There is someone out there who is right for me.

Hugh is right.

LA isnotan aquarium.




Peeking through the drapes,I watch guests arrive and take their seats in the garden setting. We are minutes away from celebrating Hugh and Sienna’s wedding. Briony, the maid of honor, adjusts Sienna’s veil. The bride is stunning, her dark hair falling in waves over her shoulders, while the tight-fitting lace dress flares midthigh.

Zara adjusts the flowers in the back of my hair. “Is he here?” she whispers.

I shake my head. “I wasn’t looking for him. I love watching people’s expressions at weddings. Everyone is happy, most of the time.”

Zara nods, yet she knows I hoped Franklin could make it.

Over these past four weeks, I understand how I’ll always come second to him. While my heart believes it’s enough, it’s not the person I see for future Penny.

Zara lifts the other side of the curtain. “Sienna has created a wow factor.”

“Flowers and food are always memorable,” I whisper.

“If guests don’t drink too much booze and forget.”

“It’s going to be unforgettable.”

A little girl rounds the flower arrangements near the wedding celebrant. Her mother chases her, and she only stops when Hugh and his groomsmen walk the aisle to take their places. Their white suits with a touch of pink accentuate our soft pink gowns. It’s tame for Hugh, but Sienna was determined to have the wedding of her dreams.

I turn to Sienna. “Hugh has arrived,” I say softly. I smile, knowing he is wearing his new Christian Louboutin shoes.

She joins us at the window and takes a deep breath.