Page 34 of Perfectly Wild

She clinks my drink with hers. “Never say never to finding a perfect man at The Shores nightclub.” She raises her glass before taking a swig.

I smile at my gorgeous friend. “You’ll find someone when the universe says so. For now, the stars might want you to find yourself first.”



December 8, 1962

We sat around the fire tonight, all the volunteers sitting on fallen tree stumps. Each stump seated three or four people, and it’s the time of night when we discussed our day. A long day, to say the least.

I haven’t recovered from the young girl dying. My heart feels like it’s been ripped out of my chest, stomped on, then thrown on the fire before being transplanted back into my body. My throat burns, and my mouth is dry. There never seems to be enough water, and although they have some sort of treatment for the well-water before boiling it in pots over the campfire, my stomach hasn’t adjusted.

And the drop hole of a toilet isn’t ideal.

Only our discussions are important to brainstorm what we feel is problematic in the village. Felix sat next to me and assumed he could educate me on infectious diseases. He’s in his late twenties and from London. I like him, although his tone often sounds like he is talking down to me.

He alleged some symptoms could be from worms entering through your feet. He reflected on how he read up on it in the Australian indigenous community.

I informed him it’s Strongyloidiasis, a parasitic worm. Although I didn’t believe it to be the cause here, I know not to rule anything out.

Not to take any chances, I adjusted the strap on my dusty sandals since the parasite enters through the feet. The symptoms of the parasite—cough and a wheeze, body rash, and abdominal cramps—are signs of many potential causes and diseases.

Our deliberation was interrupted when Jennifer, the American nurse, mentioned one child presented with symptoms of yellow fever, although it could be malaria. She asked me to assess him in the morning. Jennifer is twenty-one and came here as soon as she completed her nursing certificate. Her mother had also volunteered, and Jennifer wanted to do the same in her honor. Since I’m older than Jennifer, she valued my opinion in the few weeks we worked together.

Although Felix is older than me, he hadn’t studied infectious diseases and seemed put out when Jennifer asked for my advice.

As much as it honored me that she valued my opinion, I suggested speaking to Dr. Leon and Maria, as they held more experience and authority than me.

Despite my exhaustion, I’m fulfilled by doing good deeds in my life.

My dream to volunteer centered around helping those with poor medical supplies and caring for the sick. Beneath the positive reinforcement, I struggled with the truth. It didn’t prepare me for the heartache or the suffering, especially the children. Late at night, I second-guess my decision, especially when I have my child and husband at home without me.

Exhaustion plays a significant part in my mindset, yet I must do more than simply help with the symptoms or make people comfortable before they die. How can I prevent the diseases? An impossible feat with limited finances and supplies.

Everyone deserted the fire for an early night, allowing me to write entries in my journal in private.

Maria strolled by and suggested we go on a tour to Angel Falls on our day off. She told me I’d love it, and it would help me forget about the humidity, something I’m still not coping with, but it’s the least of my worries.

Earlier tonight, Jennifer had complained about the rain. She said it’s nothing like the rain in Minnesota because it’s freezing and more likely to snow. She described it here as hot rain saturating us to our bones.

She made me laugh, and I enjoyed listening to her American accent.

Diego said we’re due for a heavy wet season.

Few of the huts here are on stilts. Some are barely raised.

Do they frequently rebuild since these huts aren’t built to last?

The rainy season…

What the hell was I thinking coming here?

December 14, 1962

Every letter I send to Albert, I finish it with the same words.

Miss you and love you both very much.