My laughter over Cy’s comment gets harder when Chloe sticks to the pattern and immediately engulfs me in her arms when she steps through the door. Unlike Lee and Tali, she doesn’t bother introducing her mates, she just drags me down the hall towards the laughter we can hear in the living room.

The night is wonderful. All of our mates get along well and Derek’s mom keeps cracking jokes about needing to find another mate or two. His dad doesn’t find it as funny as the rest of us do, but I catch him smiling when his mate looks away. It is so easy to see just how much that man loves her, and I can only hope that when I’ve been with my mates as long as those two have been together, they still look at me like he does her.

When gifts begin to get opened, I hold my breath as I watch Kimmy rip open her books. We decided to wrap them all together with a tag explaining it was from me and the guys. She literally cries when she sees the series, and when I explain that I made the covers, she demands I sign each copy. The twins, who are just over a year old, seem to be having more fun playing in the big boxes than they do riding the push bikes we got them. Regardless, they are adorable as they crawl in and out of their box fort.

I should have guessed from the guests in attendance that the white elephant game the adults used as a gift exchange wasn’t going to stay PG-13, but when Derek’s dad ends up with a giant purple dildo that Bain brought, I can’t hold in my laughter. His face flushes the brightest shade of red I’ve ever seen.

“This isn’t funny, Belle! What the hell am I supposed to do with this?” Derek’s dad glares around the room, and even though his words were angry, his voice sounds like he is trying to hold back laughter himself.

“Well I can think of a few things.” Derek’s mom winks at his dad, and we all lose it. Derek and his sister, Hannah, gag while the rest of us laugh or catcall at her words.

This whole night turns out way better than I ever hoped it could. Everyone is so sweet and the food turned out delicious thanks to Cy and Jack. Derek’s family seems to love being around me and my friends, and I’m pretty sure Hannah and Sheila, Derek’s sister and his mom, got invited to our weekly coffee dates.

When everyone finally leaves for the night, me and the guys collapse on the couch. Derek is smiling while Cy and Jack are wrapped in each other’s arms. I’m laying with my head in Nick’s lap and my feet resting on Derek. None of us say anything for a while, we just sit in silence and enjoy being together.

“Thank you guys. Tonight was everything I’ve always dreamed of having.”

“We love you, Belle.” Nick bends down and kisses my head, his hands playing in my hair.

My eyes get heavy, and I fall asleep smiling. This is what life is supposed to be like. Full of love and happiness.



One year later

“Istheblindfoldreallynecessary,“ I ask my mates once again.

They chuckle before Jack pats my leg. “Yes, Doll. I promise, we’re almost there.”

“Didn’t you say that the last time I asked... like twenty minutes ago.”

Cypian chuckles, his hand squeezing mine. “That’s absolutely what happened, but this time he’s telling you the truth. How much longer, Derek?”

It’s not Derek who answers, but Nick. “Five minutes, Beautiful.”

“I still don’t understand why I have to be blindfolded,” I grumble, pulling my hand from Cy’s so I can cross my arms over my chest. Am I pouting? Why, yes. Yes, I am. I don’t know what they expect of me when they load me into a car, blindfolded, and then take me on an hour-long car ride. And on Christmas Eve at that! I still have so much to do to get ready for our Christmas dinner.

Yes, that’s right. My best witches and I decided that we were going to make Christmas dinner at my place a new tradition. Now that we’re all mated and living with said mates, we don’t get to see each other quite as often. We still make sure to get together at least once a week in person, but a lot of our conversations happen via video calls now. And something tells me that’s only going to get worse now that ChloeandSienna are pregnant. Not that their mates are aware of it yet, but Chloe couldn’t hide it from us. She says they’re going to tell their mates after their handfasting ceremony tomorrow.

Yes, they’re getting married on Christmas Day because why not? It’s not like we’re busy or anything.

I might be stressing out a tad bit about how busy we’re going to be tomorrow. In the morning, Jack has promised to make breakfast before we open presents. Then we have to hoof it to Chloe’s mom’s estate for their handfasting ceremony at eleven. Then I have to hurry home so I can get dinner ready by the time everyone arrives at our place at six. Sure, Sheila says she’ll get things started for me, but it’s still hard for me at times to release control. I’m working on it, but it’s still a struggle sometimes.

Not to mention the fact that we’re still learning what I can do with my magic. It’s clear that I have an affinity for elemental magic. I’m able to call air, earth, fire, and water with just a thought. But with everything else? I’ve had issues with potions, and I swear it’s because of the math involved. I’ve learned a few spells from Tali and Chloe, as well as from my mom’s grimoire, but none of them are in English. I have to learn other languages so that I can cast them. Although, I’ve been working on learning to translate them so I can say them in English. They’re a bit hit or miss so far, but I’m going to keep trying.

“Pretty girl, stop pouting. We have a present for you, and we wanted to keep where we’re going a secret. Just relax. I promise, you’re going to love this present.” Cy presses a kiss to my head.

I take a deep breath and try my best to relax. When the car stops less than five minutes later, I reach up to remove the blindfold, but Jack bats away my hands.

“Uh uh, Doll. You’ll ruin the surprise.”

I hear car doors opening around me before Jack pulls me from Derek’s truck, not releasing me until my feet hit the ground. He intertwines our fingers while someone else takes my other hand. It takes me a moment to realize it’s Derek.

“Just trust us, Sweet Girl.”

“I’m trying, but you aren’t making it easy.”