I do love Belle though, so I’ll suck up my distaste for everything around me and smile when she expects me to. I honestly haven’t had to do anything on this trip other than follow Belle around and nod my head. Oh, and carry the bags around. Belle has already bought gifts for everyone but me and my little sister. She is fifteen and Belle keeps trying to get her makeup or hair tools, but I know that Kimmy isn’t into any of that. I shake my head to yet another flat iron, and Belle throws it back onto the shelf, huffing out a sigh as she crosses her arms under her breasts.

I’m a bit distracted by the way her breasts move up and her cleavage, but when she starts talking in that pissed off voice, I quickly tear my gaze off her chest and back up to her face.

“Well, what does she like then, Derek?! I’ve tried about a hundred things, and you’ve said no to all of them!”

Belle’s face is flushed red and her breath is coming out quick and hard. Honestly, she looks like we just got done with a round in the bed, and I’m having a bit of trouble keeping my mind on Christmas shopping and not on sex with my mate. I’m not stupid though, if I mention that, she will rip my head off and feed me to her scary unicorn friend.

“Come on, Belle. I saw a store that my sister would love.” I take her hand and pull her out of this fashion store and down the way to the large bookstore I saw her eying when we passed it earlier.

I’m not at all surprised to find the rest of the guys in here when we walk through the doors. Nick and Jack are debating about a cover while Cy is reading another copy of the book they are arguing over.

“Hey guys. What are you looking at?”

Belle still sounds a bit annoyed and all three of them are immediately on alert. Jack is glaring at me, but I just hold my hands up in surrender. Cy wraps his hands around her waist and kisses her neck, whispering in her ear as Nick holds her hands in both of his. Belle sighs again, but doesn’t say anything when Nick asks her what is wrong. Instead of admitting she is annoyed, she looks around at the books surrounding us. A genuine smile crosses her lips when she sees the book Cy is still clutching in his hand.

“I made that cover.”

I did not expect her to say that. I knew she made book covers, but I always thought she worked with indie authors. I didn’t expect her to have any covers in this store as it’s a large chain bookstore. Cy looks at the cover again, and Jack flushes and looks away from Belle and the book.

Nick chuckles. “Well, Jack over there doesn’t think the art is very realistic.”

Belle laughs as Jack’s face turns darker. I’m smiling now too, enjoying watching Jack be humbled a bit.

“That’s the point. The book is a rom-com, so the author wanted the cover to have the joking feel like the book does. I tried to convince her to let me make a realistic dragon, but she was adamant that it be cartoonish.”

“Well, that makes more sense now. I thought it was a more serious book,” Jack says, his face finally back down to a soft pink.

“So, what are you guys doing here?” Belle asks. After a second, her eyes get really big and she starts talking in a hurry. “Not that I’m not thrilled to see you because I am, I just thought you guys were shopping for Kimmy and the gift exchange gifts.”

Nick rubs Belle’s arms and Cy hugs her tighter to his chest as Jack and I smile at her. None of us thought she was unhappy to see them, but it’s cute how she felt the need to reassure us anyway.

“We decided to do both. Kimmy is always sneaking in books that her parents don’t agree with. I think she calls them smut…” Cy starts to explain. “Anyway, we decided to come in here and see if we could get both. Then, we got a little lost looking at all the books, though.”

Belle laughs while shaking her head. “Yeah, books tend to do that. Well, come on, between the five of us, we should be able to get her an entire series.”

Together, we follow Belle through the bookstore. Belle knows most of the books and what they are about, several of them she gives her reviews as she has read them all. We pass one table in the intersection of two pathways and Belle stops in her tracks. She picks up a book and stares at the cover. The whole series is beautiful and cohesive. The artist really knew what they were doing and since the table says it’s a bestseller, I’m guessing the content in the book matches the cover.

“This series. We need to get her this one. It is smut but mostly fade to black, so your parents,” she glances at me then stares at the book some more, “shouldn’t have a problem with her reading it. Plus, I made these covers, and I hope that will make it more special for her.”

None of us argue, we just each grab a book and toss them into the basket. Nick grabs three more copies of the first book, declaring that they would use that as their gift exchange presents.

Finally, all the shopping is over and we can get out of this hell that humans call a mall. Belle has been laughing and teasing all day, and I love seeing her like this. When we stop to get dinner, she makes sure to ask for a round booth so she can see all of us.

We talk and laugh throughout dinner, and I find myself content with my life. I don’t feel like everyone is watching and judging me. I don’t feel like I have to compensate for my pixie. For the first time ever, I feel safe just being me, grumpy and all.

I think a lot of that comes from the fact that I finally shifted for Belle yesterday, and it had gone better than I could ever have imagined. When she looked down at me with love shining in her eyes, I knew she would never judge me the way I’ve always feared. She’s too good of a person, but more than that, there had been awe in her eyes. She thought I was beautiful.

I’ve spent so much of my life being ashamed of my shifted form that I never thought anyone could find it beautiful. It’s just another reason that Belle is perfect for me—perfect for us.

We get back to the house and Belle spends about thirty minutes wrapping all the presents we got for the kids coming over in two days. She plays a Christmas movie, this time it isn’t a Hallmark movie, but a cartoon version ofHow the Grinch Stole Christmas. Belle laughs and says that the Grinch reminds her of me. She asks Nick if we can get a screaming goat and my heart flutters in my chest.

It may seem silly, but that is the first time she ever said anything that suggests she is in this for the long haul. Usually, she would say that she wants the goat, but has nowhere to put it in her apartment, or she’d say that we, the guys, should get a goat for the yard. This time, she included herself in the plans.

Not that we are actually getting one of those things, but still.

“I love you, Belle. You know that right?” I sit down behind her where she is kneeling on the floor, organizing the presents under the tree.

Wrapping her in my arms, I sit back and pull her onto my lap. I never have enough time with her in my arms. If I had it my way, she would never leave the house, and she would spend the entirety of her time in one of our arms. Belle cuddles close to my chest and kisses me on the jaw, right under my chin. Warmth blooms in my chest at the feeling of her lips on my skin. My body reacts and Belle giggles when she feels the bulge in my pants.