Please tell me we can make her silent wish come true.

I ask Nick mentally if he is down to give Belle the ending she was thinking about, and he nods. If she isn’t trying to keep her distance, then we won’t either. We aren’t going to push her farther then she is willing to go, but we will grant her anything she desires.

Chapter Twelve


Ittakesawhileto get Belle into the sleigh. She keeps stopping to gawk at all the details Derek crafted into the wood. I have to say, the craftsmanship used to build Belle’s sled is beautiful. Still, the girl looked stunning in her deep-red, soft velvet long sleeve dress and green leggings. Her ballet flats are red and green plaid with the cutest little bells on the toes. Her brown hair hangs down her back in waves and her makeup is minimal and flawless.

I had been speechless when she first got out of the car, then her mind started playing through all the naughty images in her head, and I have more to say than I could possibly get out. Now she is rambling about the sleigh as if she isn’t thinking about literally every possible position the three of us could get up to inside the wooden structure.

Before I can banish the thoughts I’m getting from Belle, Derek has her situated in the middle of the front row of the sleigh. I know I need to shift so Derek can get on with his date, but I want to look at Belle for just a minute longer. She truly is the perfect match for all of us.

Regardless of what I want, I still go to the front of the sled and shift into my stallion. Belle exclaims with excitement and images of our ride through the woods flash between us. I snort, stomping my hooves and throwing my head back. My chest puffs out, and Derek laughs as he walks around to hook the bell covered holster to my chest and shoulders. An image of me hooked to the sleigh flashes into my mind, and I nip at Derek for his comment.

“It’s like hell’s personal sleigh ride, Sweet Girl.”

Belle laughs out loud, and I immediately calm down. Clearly, Belle is enjoying herself and they haven’t even started. I wish I could talk while in this form, but I do enjoy the constant stream of mental images flowing through my mind from Derek and Belle.

Derek climbs into the sled with Belle and sends me images of the two of them cuddled together. “Okay, Nick. You know where to go.”

I take off, pulling the sled into the path Derek used his magic to clear earlier. The path wound around the property and through the clearing we had our snowball fight in. He hung up lights in the trees and asked Jack to make it snow tonight, just enough to make a beautiful ride. There are painted wooden statues of everything from reindeer to a nativity scene. Derek made giant dreidels and menorahs. He even made the clearing into a North Pole that has tiny elf houses and a workshop with Santa standing outside of it. I’m genuinely impressed with his dedication to give Belle the sleigh ride of her dreams.

We head out of the clearing, and Derek asks me to stop under the mistletoe he made grow across the path. Belle giggles when Derek points out the plant and insists on a kiss. More images flash through my mind. They come so fast I can’t be sure if they are coming from Belle, Derek, or both. Regardless, I look over my shoulder as Derek’s and Belle’s mouths meet in a kiss. It starts slow, but quickly, hands start exploring and the kiss heats up.

I can’t take my eyes off the two of them as they pet and kiss as if they need each other’s touch to survive. Derek grows brave and gropes Belle’s breast. She gasps, but thrusts her chest farther into his grasp. Belle reaches for the hem of his shirt and peels it up. Their mouths separate as she takes off his shirt. Belle stares down at his bare chest and pink dusts her cheeks.

“Sweet Girl, how far are you wanting to go? I don’t want to move too fast and make you uncomfortable.”

I’m proud of how careful Derek is with Belle. He isn’t a bad man, but I know that he doesn’t usually give his bedroom friends the option, especially when they initiate the moment. Belle seems to be the exception to every rule when it comes to us though.

Belle nods, and Derek smiles sweetly at her. He sends me a message to shift, expressing his desire for a bit of assistance with this conversation so he doesn’t mess it up. I don’t even have to take a second to wonder if Belle will be uncomfortable with this. I’m back in my human form before Belle even finishes moving her head.

“Beautiful, we need your words. Do you want to have sex with Derek?”

Plain English. There is no way that the question asked can be taken or understood any other way than how it’s meant. Belle may be shy, but we all need to be very clear with what we want and expect from her because her past will shadow every move we make with her. It’s why I fully intend to tell her the truth before I let Derek lose his head.

“Yes. I’m ready to have sex.” Belle’s sweet voice saying those dirty words should be a crime. Seriously, there is no way I’m going to be able to get the sound of her voice saying the word ‘sex’ out of my head in this century or the next.

“Belle, before you guys do that, I think you need to know…”

Belle looks at me with wide, innocent eyes. Derek is staring at me wide eyed too, but he doesn’t look curious—he looks terrified. I know that Cy and Jack are probably going to be mad at me about this, but they can get over it. They should have told her last night, but they didn’t, and I don’t want any of us going any farther without her knowing.

“You are our fated mate. All four of us. So if you have sex with Derek or any of us, then those bonds will become more solid. Your magic will probably react, which is totally fine. We aren’t scared of you or your magic, I just wanted to let you know what will happen so you go into it fully informed.”

“Are you going to watch?”

Okay, not what I expected at all. I just told this girl that she has four mates and her magic is going to go haywire when she solidifies one of her mate bonds, and she is only wondering if I’m going to watch her fuck Derek. If I didn’t love the girl before, then I definitely do now.

“Do you want me to watch, Beautiful?”

She tilts her head, and her gaze stays locked on mine. I try my hardest to keep my eyes from showing her exactly how much I’d enjoy watching, but the mischievous smile on her round face tells me she knows. It’s always been something I enjoy, watching people find pleasure in one another. I think with Belle, it will be that much better.

“If Derek is okay with it, then I think I would like that. You watching us together, I mean.”

“Totally fine with me,” Derek blurts the words before Belle even finishes the sentence. He clears his throat when she turns that evil little smirk his way, and I have to put my fist against my mouth to hold back my laughter at his bright red face.

Belle leans over and pushes her mouth against Derek’s once again, not bothering with keeping things slow and building into the heat. She fiddles with his pants, and he groans deep in his chest. My dick is growing harder the longer I watch Belle take command of the situation. She is bold, knows exactly what she wants, and isn’t afraid to go for it. I know from the parts of her past that I’ve seen that she isn’t a virgin, but she only had sex once, and it wasn’t very pleasant for her. So for Belle to be taking charge and initiating this contact is a big step. I’m so proud of her.