“Just breathe, Sweet Girl. Magic is natural, and apparently, it’s a piece of you.”

She looks up into my eyes and relief mixes with the panic. Even just that little bit of calm has the wind dying down. “See, it’s all about you. Close your eyes, find the magic inside of you. You’re in charge, not the magic.”

Belle’s beautiful green eyes snap closed, and her chest rubs against me as she takes deep breaths. Now is so not the time to get a boner, but apparently, my body didn’t get that memo. Feeling Belle against my body has me reacting like any male would. Desire pools in my belly and sinks down, down, down.

“Okay, find the magic. What the fluff does magic even look like? Come on Belle, don’t be an idiot,” Belle mumbles to herself as her eyelids twitch. “Oh, that’s new! It’s so pretty! But, is there something wrong with it? What…”

As Belle’s words trail off, the vines in the hall slither closer. They wrap around Belle’s stocking covered legs. Now that they are closer, I can see the colors woven inside the deep green. Purple, yellow, blue, black, and red vines are all braided into the natural green. It’s so strange, yet spectacular.

Belle gasps, and the vines vanish. I look back up and catch Belle’s gaze. She is smiling sheepishly at me and nervously pushing her hair behind her ears. Her cheeks are the most beautiful pink I’ve ever seen and I’m mesmerized by the stunning girl I’m still clutching to my chest. If I could have it my way, I’d never let her go.

“So, you guys going on a date or should I make myself disappear so you can fuck in the foyer? I’m good either way, just trying to get some clarity.”

Tali’s words break the spell Belle’s gorgeous face had me under. I glare at the admittedly pretty girl who just shrugs and waves at us. Belle takes my hand and leads me to the door.

“Don’t wait up!” Belle yells over her shoulder, snapping my gaze back to her. She is smiling at Tali as she heads down the stairs.

I feel like a complete idiot because I haven’t really said or done anything since Belle bum rushed me in the doorway. Clearing my throat, I take a big step to get in front of Belle instead of allowing her to drag me along. I reach for the door handle and hold the door to my truck open. Belle looks up and up into my tall truck before glancing at my face with a raised eyebrow.

Chuckling, I lift her up into the truck and take the book bag she has into the backseat. My hands rest comfortably on her waist and her cheeks flush. I really,reallywant to roll my eyes, but I know that will make her more uncomfortable. I never understood why humans make their women feel so bad about a few extra pounds. Pixie women are revered for their robust figures. A skinny pixie means that pixie isn’t cared for, and it usually means the death of the abuser.

When I get into the truck, I turn and face Belle.

“I don’t know how to say this in a way that sounds all flowery like Nick or Cy would, but I feel like it needs to be said. Don’t let the others catch you being so self conscious about your size or they may be offended. Hell, most supernaturals would be. Having a full figure is a good thing, so there is nothing for you to feel awkward about.”

Belle’s cheeks flush a deeper red and she stares into my eyes. Hers fill with tears, and I instantly feel bad for saying anything at all. I’m struggling to find the right words to explain what I meant by that. I didn’t mean to make her feel like there was anything wrong with her or that I was mad or upset by her reaction. I just don’t want her to feel any unnecessary discomfort around us. Before any more words can spill from my mouth, Belle speaks. Honestly, it’s probably for the best that I don’t get to say anything, or I may have made it worse.

“I’ve never had anyone be so nice about my size. I’ve tried for years to lose the extra weight, sometimes hurting myself in the process. But what you just said, it made me feel… beautiful. Thank you, Derek. I’ll try not to feel so bad about my size, but I’m not making any promises.”

For the rest of the ride, Belle and I chat. We talk about everything from our favorite foods to the places we want to visit. I cling to everything she says like it’s needed to get my next breath. She is so animated as she speaks, I have trouble focusing on the road because I keep looking over to watch her.

We make it to the house without driving off the road somehow. Nick is already outside standing next to a huge carriage I made last week. The sleds on bottom are about as long as my truck and the two seats are stuffed as full as I could make them. They are soft velvet material and the wood that makes the body of the sled is an old red oak that I stained a deep red. The details are carved directly into the wood and depict a scene of a goddess surrounded by her four mates in their shifted forms.

This is my most beautiful piece yet. Even I’m impressed with it. Belle is staring wide eyed at the sled. I’m not even sure she’s noticed Nick standing there yet. My face flushes when she looks at me, a bright smile on her face.

“You made this?”

I nod, and Belle throws her arms around my neck, nearly knocking both of us into the snow. I chuckle and hug her back. I’m so glad she likes the sled.

Belle leans back and stares into my eyes for a second, then she crushes her lips to mine. I freeze for exactly two seconds before I move my lips to match hers. The world fades and lights burst like fireworks in my mind.

This, this moment right here, is what heaven must be.

Belle pulls away and turns back to the carriage. She is bouncing on the toes of her flats and clapping her gloved hands together. Muffled patting sounds ring out around the front lawn, but I can’t stop staring at Belle. I slowly blink, half convinced that her lips won’t be kiss-swollen when my eyes open again. I can’t seem to truly believe that my mate just kissed me.

Nick walks over and pulls Belle into a hug, laughing when she startles. I’m still a bit shook, and I’m trying to snap out of it, but I just can’t. My whole world changed in that brief second when her soft lips pressed against mine. It’s like colors are brighter and sounds are louder. The snow is softer under my feet, and I swear my wings popped out and now I’m floating through the air.

“I’m so excited! I didn’t know you would be here Nick, but I’m not upset about it! Do we get to ride on the pretty sled Derek? Is it powered with magic, or do you have horses? I’ve never seen a horse in person before, well, not a normal horse. Only your Nightmare, Nick. Eeek!!”

Belle’s squeal of excitement has me and Nick laughing. She is just so excitable. It’s refreshing to be around her boundless energy. Her rambling question does bring me out of my catatonic state of mind that her kiss had me stuck in. I feel proud that she is so excited for our date, and happy that she isn’t upset that I asked Nick to crash it.

“No normal horses, Sweet Girl.” I smile and wrap my arms around her waist, careful not to disturb Nick’s hold on her. He meets my eyes and smiles over her head, his subtle way of saying thank you for not making him let her go even if it is technically my time with her. “Nick is here because he agreed to pull the sled for us. We’re going on a sleigh ride through the woods before Nick takes over for your date.”

“That sound alright to you, Beautiful?” Nick asks, the smirk clear in his voice.

Belle flushes bright red, and Nick chuckles under his breath. Suddenly, pictures of me and Nick sharing Belle between us in the sled parked in the middle of the woods flashes through my mind. Once again, I’m battling my body to not react to the image, and I’m curious to know which one of them thought of that because I know it wasn’t me. Judging by Belle’s red face, I’d say it was her, but I didn’t think the innocent little thing had it in her to have those kinds of thoughts.

“Yep. Sounds great.” Belle’s voice is a bit squeaky and confirms my thoughts thatshewas the one to have the steamy thought. I’m impressed with her creativity, though I think we can do it better. I meet Nick’s gaze once more.